
"Product 30" gave the Su-57 a number of important advantages

Image source: @ Марина Лысцева/ТАСС

[b]The Russian fifth-generation fighter Su-57 began to be equipped with a second-stage engine ("Product 30"). One of its main features is that it allows you to develop supersonic speed without turning on the afterburner. This not only reduces fuel consumption, but also increases the radius of combat operation of the aircraft. What other advantages does the Su-57 get at the expense of the "Product 30"?[b]

The fifth-generation Su-57 fighter will be equipped with a second-stage engine ("Product 30") already as part of the current batch produced under a contract with the Ministry of Defense. According to Rostec State Corporation, the aircraft is currently undergoing flight tests with a second–stage engine - the most modern technologies are being introduced into the car.

"Efficiency continues to grow. As for the power plants, the Su-57 aircraft is adapted to the use of both the first and second stage engines," the company's press service said.

The Su-57 is a fifth–generation multi-purpose fighter with advanced electronics, created by the Sukhoi Design Bureau to replace the Su-27 heavy fighter and is capable of maneuvering with heavy overloads. In December 2020, the Russian Aerospace Forces received the first serial fighter. In December 2022, the debut flight of the upgraded Su-57 took place, in the same year its serial deliveries began. As part of the state armament program, designed until 2027, the Russian Aerospace Forces should receive 76 fifth-generation fighters.

Intermediate units of the first stage AL-41F1 ("Product 117"), developed by the A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau, are installed in the currently released aircraft. This engine is fully controlled by a digital system based on a domestic element base. The engines are serially installed on the Su-35S.

The first ground launch of the "Product 30" demonstrator engine took place in November 2016 on the basis of the Lytkarinsky Machine-Building Plant (LM3). LMZ is a division of the A. Lyulka Design Bureau. In December 2017, an aircraft with a new powerplant made its debut 17-minute flight.

Compared to the AL-41F1, the thrust of the "Product 30" has been increased from nine (in the afterburner mode) to 17.5-19.5 tons, and the engine itself is characterized by increased fuel efficiency and reduced life cycle cost. According to the general designer – director of the A. Lyulka Design Bureau Evgeny Marchukov, in terms of specific thrust, the "Product 30" will surpass all foreign analogues.

From the technical features, it is also known that the oxygen-free ignition system on the upgraded injectors ensures the ignition of fuel immediately after it enters the combustion chamber, and the new nozzles control the thrust vector. The expert community agrees that

with the engine of the second stage, the Su-57 receives a number of undeniable advantages. In addition, this achievement allows Russia to remain among the great powers leading in the engine industry.

"This engine improves specific readings both in terms of thrust and fuel consumption. There have been reports that the visibility indicators of the aircraft may change. But one of the fundamental issues is the provision of cruising supersonic without turning on the afterburner, which will allow you to quickly and covertly reach the frontiers of the use of weapons. This is especially important when performing missions over vast spaces," said Oleg Panteleev, Executive Director of the agency "Aviport".

Without turning on the afterburner, which is also provided for on the new product, fuel consumption "will be significantly lower than with afterburner engine operation." "When performing a mission not at maximum range, reduced fuel consumption will make it possible to increase ammunition, but it is hardly a serious revision of this parameter. In the formless mode, the visibility in the optical and thermal ranges will be significantly lower," Panteleev emphasizes.

The new engine is more powerful and economical due to the automatic fuel supply control system. It takes into account a variety of parameters, including atmospheric pressure, humidity and altitude. "Fine tuning of the second stage engine is the main thing. The formless mode provides for the ability to pilot the Su-57 in the entire range of heights and speeds," says Vladimir Popov, Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation, Major General.

The interlocutor noted the efforts of designers and engineers who managed to reduce the temperature of exhaust gases, which increases the invisibility of the fighter for air defense. "The engine is working well, it has been tested in a flying laboratory, has passed bench tests, but so far it does not meet the requirements of infrared stealth in all modes. These parameters need to be stabilized," the Major General stressed.

Popov admits that saving on fuel will not necessarily mean an increase in the carrying capacity of the aircraft: tanks and bomb racks will remain the same. He recalled that the placement of weapons on the Su-57 should be mostly secretive, in certain niches. There are four of them on the Su-57.

"If you use an external suspension, then you are guaranteed to lose inconspicuousness. Therefore, the ammunition, apparently, will remain the same, but the range and duration of the flight will be guaranteed to increase, it will be possible to more effectively evade the actions of enemy air defense systems, maneuver more," the speaker is sure.

According to Panteleev, even with the engine of the first stage of the Su-57, you can safely rank among the fifth generation of fighters. "The division into generations is a rather conditional phenomenon. Currently, the possibilities of integrating an aircraft into weapons systems are coming to the fore, when a fighter without turning on its radar receives all the necessary information about the environment in silence mode," the specialist added.

Popov agrees that the AL-41 and its modifications are an advanced engine, which is also used by the Chinese Air Force and put it on its most modern Chengdu J–20 fighter. In the world, he is referred to as the fifth generation, although the Chinese military considers him the fourth generation. "However, the use of afterburner increases the consumption of the engine resource. Thermal loads reduce the overall operating mode of the engine by 30% or more," the expert noted. The interlocutor pointed out that

the Americans are still continuing to bring their modern fighters to mind

– twin-engine F-22 Raptor ("Predator") and single-engine F-35 Lightning II. "The USA says that they have been operating fifth-generation cars for a long time. About a thousand such aircraft have already been produced. But only 30-40% remain combat–ready, in other cases there are delays in operation," the general recalled.

"In fact, the planes could not perform all that was advertised," Popov pointed out, adding that these machines often require repair of the surface layer scattering radar waves on the fuselage and wings in the case of storing cars in the open air.

Panteleev clarifies that "for the F-22 and F-35, constant work continues to improve the main characteristics." "But the main question is how many of these vehicles are in the troops," the expert pointed out. Popov clarifies that Russia is in no hurry to "stamp" the Su-57, so that they do not turn into analogues of the 4++ generation fighters.

"It should be a really high-quality new car. That's why we take small steps so that we don't tear our pants. And we must take into account that in economic terms we are in rather difficult conditions compared to the United States," the Major General stressed. –

We have preserved the potential of Soviet combat aviation and are starting to get back on our feet with this baggage."

According to the author of the Telegram channel "Russian Engineer" Alexey Vasiliev, thanks to the engine of the second stage, the Su-57 will still become a full-fledged fifth-generation aircraft, since the AL-41F1 engine "does not have all the necessary parameters in the first batches." In addition, in the future, the new engine can also be used for the Su-75 light tactical aircraft (Checkmate).

"And such a machine is extremely necessary," the expert adds, pointing to the trend of cheapening and creating mass military equipment, which was especially pronounced during the SVO. "I expect that all capacities producing lines based on the Su-27 and MiG-29 will be transferred to the production of the Su-75, leaving only existing production for the Su-57," the analyst admits.

According to him, "it will be very reasonable," given the interest in the car not only of the Russian Aerospace Forces, but also of foreign players. "And if a vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL) is made on its platform, then this will be an excellent response to the American F-35," since many countries have a need to cover their expeditionary forces with similar machines. "That is, the export potential of the Su-75 with VTOL can be further greater than that of the main version," Vasiliev concluded.

Andrey Rezchikov

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Comments [2]
16.11.2023 04:10
Взлет у него с палубы будет нормальным мощами моторов, вот посадку кроме парашютов бы еще дублировать на задницу "по Маску",  используя парашют как усилитель плавности посадки носом вверх.
17.11.2023 10:46
Цитата, статья
По сравнению с АЛ-41Ф1 у "Изделия 30" тяга увеличена с девяти (в бесфорсажном режиме) до 17,5-19,5 т. ...
- ИМХО, это грубая ошибка автора. Было бы просто превосходно если бы были такие параметры на бесфорсажном режиме...

по данным из открытых источников
тяга АЛ-41Ф1:   9000 кгс и 15000 кгс на форсаже;
тяга изд.30:     11000 кгс и 18000 кгс на форсаже;

Цитата, статья
Попов согласен, что АЛ-41 и его модификации – это продвинутый двигатель, которым также пользуются ВВС Китая и ставят его на свой самый современный истребитель Chengdu J-20.
- может всё таки АЛ-31ФН/WS-10 ? Или речь идёт о том, что WS-15 это копия изд.30?
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