
The Chinese armada is rushing into the ocean


But so far, the PRC's fleet dominates only in the near sea zone

The Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China is designed to defend the coast from enemy attacks from the sea, prevent amphibious landings, protect sea and ocean communications. And also to ensure the national interests of the People's Republic of China at sea – independently and jointly with other types of aircraft.

The PLA Navy has the following main tasks:

– repelling enemy attacks from sea directions, defense of naval bases, ports and important areas;

– destruction of enemy warships and transports, violation of its sea communications;

– striking at the navy, ports and coastal facilities of the enemy in order to weaken its combat potential;

– conducting amphibious and anti-amphibious operations together with the Ground Forces and the Air Force;

– support of the coastal flanks of Land forces groups and joint defense of islands and important areas of the coast;

– naval blockade of the enemy and actions to lift the blockade of the Chinese coast;

– protection of marine communications, fishing areas, mining and scientific research.

In peacetime, the PLA Navy performs combat training and flag demonstration tasks.


The forces and means of the PLA Navy are based in equipped defended areas.

There are three naval bases and about 80 bases. Sea and river ports play an important role (about 120). All VMBS are located in convenient and enclosed bays. Many small harbors and bays and about 50 separate mooring structures can be used as anchorages.

The most developed basing system is in the operational zones of the Northern and Eastern Fleets (Yellow and East China Seas). The main grouping of the Navy is concentrated here – up to 80% of the ship's personnel. Works on deepening the fairway, lengthening the mooring front, expansion of warehouses, construction of access roads, etc. have been carried out at many naval bases and basing points

Defensive structures on the seashore form a system of defense areas and individual strongholds. The most powerful fortifications cover administrative centers, naval bases and naval bases, large ports, amphibious accessible sections of the coast. About 90% of all fortifications are located in the home zones of the Northern and Eastern Fleets. During the threatened period, coast guard units and merchant ships may be involved.

The PLA Navy's basing system generally meets the existing needs. At the same time, its development lags behind the plans for the modernization of the ship's composition.


The number of personnel of the PLA Navy is about 300 thousand people, of which about 50 thousand are conscripts. The crew of warships and boats is about 42 thousand people, of which 6.4 thousand are officers. In the Marine Corps – 16-20 thousand people, in the threatened period it is expected to increase to 50 thousand. There are 26 thousand people in the naval aviation of the PLA Navy, of which about 1.5 thousand are flight personnel.

The recruitment of enlisted personnel is mixed, according to military duty and under contract. Terms of service: fixed–term - two years, under contract – five years. Women are attracted to serve in coastal positions.

As of 2023, combat ships – 295, combat boats – 530, auxiliary vessels – 265, combat aircraft – 372, auxiliary aircraft – 64, helicopters – 86, UAVs – 48, anti–aircraft artillery guns – 465, armored combat vehicles – 274, field artillery guns and mortars - are in service. 180, anti-tank weapons -189 units. The Navy reserve consists of 20 warships at storage bases.

Naval formations are being equipped with new warships and auxiliary vessels capable of operating in remote areas of ocean theaters of military operations (Theater of Operations). These include nuclear submarines (SSBNs) with ballistic missiles of the Jin type (pr. 094), multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Shang type (pr. 093A), diesel-electric submarines of the Yuan type (pr. 041), destroyers with shock missile weapons (URO) of the type "Kunming" (052D Ave. and 055 Ave.), URO frigates of the type "Xuzhou" (054A Ave.), landing helicopter docks (DVKD) of the type "Kunlongshan" (071 Ave.), tank landing ships (TDK) "Basyangshan" (072A Ave.), minesweepers of the type "Hoqiu" (082-II Ave.), reconnaissance ships of the Beijixing type (815A Ave.), universal supply transports of the Qiandaohu, Danyao types (903A and 904A(B) Ave.

The capabilities of a promising carrier strike group (AUG) are being tested on the basis of the Liaoning aircraft carrier. The development of the aircraft carrier of national design (project 001A) "Shandong" has begun. Work is being completed on the creation of a nuclear aircraft carrier (ave. 002A).

The construction of the Navy has allowed for 20 years to significantly change the ship composition in the direction of increasing large ships of the main classes (submarines, aircraft carriers, destroyers).

The branches of the PLA Navy's forces are underwater and surface forces, naval aviation, coastal defense troops, and marines.


The military leadership of the People's Republic of China is actively building up the submarine fleet. There are 59 submarines in combat, including six submarines.

The naval component of the Nuclear deterrence Forces (SNF) is represented by the Xia-type SSB with 12 Jiulan-2 ballistic missiles (BR). The command plans that from 2025, the naval component of the Strategic Nuclear Forces will be four 094 Jin SSBMS, each with 12 Jiulan-2 BRS and anti-ship missiles (anti-ship missiles). Presumably, two pr. 094B SSBMS will also be completed, each carrying 16 Jiulan-2 missiles.

Three new submarines, 091 "Han" Ave., were built to replace the outdated submarines, 093 "Shan" Ave. The construction of new submarines is underway, ave. 095. There are 12 Russian–built nuclear submarines in service - 877, 636 and 636EM Ave. ("Varshavyanka"). There are 13 PL. 039 "Sun" Ave. of Chinese production. Older, but combat–ready are PL. 035 "Min" - 14 units. The most modern of the diesel engines are 13 DPL 041A Ave. "Yuan". The construction of modern DAPL ave. 043 has begun.

The Liaoning aircraft carrier (in the fleet since 2012) is a former aircraft carrier of 11436 Ave. It can accommodate up to 24 Jian-15 fighters (the Chinese equivalent of the Su-27K) and up to 18 helicopters (Ka-31 radar patrol, Russian-made anti-submarine Ka-28 and Chinese transport Zhi-8).

The completion of a new aircraft carrier launched entirely of Chinese construction is underway.

Destroyers (EM, 26 units): six Lanzhou-type EMU (052C Ave.); five Kunming-type EMU (052D Ave.); two Shenyang-type EMU (051C Ave.); one Shenzhen-type EMU (051B Ave.); two Guangzhou-type EMUS" (052B Ave.); four EM Russian ave. 956E (two) and 956EM (two); two EM type "Harbin"; four EM type "Lyuda" (051 ave.).

The most numerous class of surface ships (45 units) are frigates: 23 of the Xuzhou type (054A Ave.), two of the Maanshan type (054 Ave.), six of the Jiaxing type, four of the Anqing type, 10 of the Nantong type.

Since 2012, 32 corvettes "Benbu" ave. 056 have been commissioned, of which 14 are anti–submarine ave. 056A.

Landing ships (80 units) are represented by five Kunlongshan-type DVKDs (071 Ave.); 39 tDCS, including 15 of the Basianshan-type (072A Ave.), nine of the Yuting-type, four of the Yuk-kang-type (072 Ave.), 10 of the Songshan-type (073A Ave.), one of the Wudanshan type; 31 medium landing craft, including nine of the Yuliang type, 12 of the Yuhai type, 10 of the Yubei type; three small hovercraft of 1232.2 Ave.; two DTDs of the Donghaidao and Guanghuacou types.

Minesweeping ships are represented by one minelayer of 918 Volei Ave. and 35 minesweepers: 10 of the Wuchuan type (081A Ave.), five of the Hotsiu type (082-II Ave.), 12 of the T-43 Ave., eight of the Vosao type.

There are seven reconnaissance ships, of which one is of the Beijixing type (ave. 815), five are of the Beijixing type (ave. 815A), one is of the Beijiao type (ave. 814A).

There are 528 combat boats, 106 of them missile (pr. 022, 037-II, 037-IG), 122 patrol (pr. 037-I, 037, 062-I) and 300 amphibious.

Auxiliary vessels – 261, of which 14 are universal supply transports. The latter are represented by two vessels of the Qiandaohu type (903 ave.), six of the Qiandaohu type (903A Ave.), three of the Dianyao type (904A and B Ave.), one of the 908 Ave., two of the Fuqing type (905 Ave.).

The PLA Navy ranks first in the world in terms of the number of submarines, frigates, missile and patrol boats, landing ships. In terms of the total tonnage and capacity of landing ships, it is inferior to the American Fleet. In terms of the number of submarines and destroyers, it ranks third in the world (after the US Navy and the Russian Navy in terms of submarines and submarines, after the American and Japanese fleets in terms of destroyers).

Today, the PLA Navy has the potential to solve problems in the Chinese seas, limited by the "first chain of islands". But it is necessary to take into account the high dynamics of updating the ship's composition.


Designed to search for and destroy submarines, surface ships and boats, amphibious detachments, convoys, single transports (ships) and enemy aircraft; cover from air strikes of ships and fleet facilities; mine laying and mine defense; aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare; targeting of enemy groups, target designation; missile and bomb attacks on the Navy, air bases and ports of the enemy; amphibious landings, etc.

The Navy's aviation is divided into aircraft carrier, base (bomber, fighter, anti-submarine, reconnaissance and military transport), as well as ground air defense forces.

The carrier aviation has 23 combat aircraft (Jian-15 fighters – 21, Jianjiao-15 combat training- two), six combat helicopters (Zhi-18F anti-submarine), six auxiliary helicopters (Zhi–18J AWACS - four, Zhi-9C search and rescue" – two).

Combat base aviation has 349 combat aircraft. Bomber – 40 Hong-6 bombers, 120 Jianghong-7/7A fighter-bombers. Fighter – 124, represented by 24 Russian-made Su-30MKK, "Jian-7M" – 28, "Jian-8" – 24, "Jian-10" – 24 and "Jian-11B" – 24. Reconnaissance – 30 UAVs: Yunzhen-8 - 21, Yungan-9 - two, Yungan-8 - seven.

Anti–submarine aviation (seven units) - three amphibious aircraft of Chinese production "Shuihong-5", four "Kunqian-200". There are also Jianjiao-9-28 combat training aircraft. Strategic reconnaissance UAVs are represented by BZK-005 – 28 vehicles.

Auxiliary aircraft: transport – 48 (Yak-42 – two, "Yun-5" – 13, "Yun-7" – 15, "Yun-8" – six, "Yun-12" – 10, RJ-200 – two); AWACS aircraft – eight ("Kunjing-500" – one, "Kunjing-200" – seven), there are also four Hongyu-6 tanker aircraft. The fleet of auxiliary aviation helicopters includes 24 transport helicopters, nine AWACS helicopters and three rescue helicopters. In deck aviation, the experience of flight personnel is insufficient. The short range of fighter aircraft and the unsatisfactory equipment of obsolete surface ships with air defense means reduce the combat potential of the Navy in the far zone.


The Coastal Defense Forces (BO) are divided into areas that are operationally subordinate to the command of the corresponding fleet. There are six BO districts in each: the Northern Fleet – Dalian, Yingkou, Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Weihai and Jiaonan; the Eastern – Lianyungang, Wusong, Dinghai, Wenzhou, Ninde and Xiamen; the Southern – Zhanjiang, Beihai, Huangpu, Shantou, Haikou and Xisha (Paracel Islands).

BO formations include two air defense brigades, three coastal missile regiments, six anti-aircraft artillery regiments, 17 separate coastal missile divisions, six separate anti-aircraft artillery divisions. They are armed with 116 PU anti-ship missile systems (PKR) ("Yingji–62" - 48, "Hayin–4" - 52, "Hayin–2" – 16), anti-aircraft means – 476 (PU anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) "Hongqi-9" - 20, anti-aircraft guns artillery – 456).

The Marine Corps includes two brigades, four more are in a state of formation. In addition to preparing for amphibious operations, Marines are garrisoned on the disputed Paracel Islands. The brigades are armed with 108 combat vehicles with heavy weapons, 120 Type 05 infantry fighting vehicles and 46 armored personnel carriers. Artillery – 180 units, anti–tank weapons - 189 units.


Modernization of the PLA Navy is mainly due to the borrowing or acquisition of foreign weapons and advanced technologies. A significant part of the technologies is borrowed through the purchase of samples of marine military equipment abroad and the development of the same type of domestic. Russia remains the main supplier of weapons and technologies (more than 85% of Chinese arms imports).

The main efforts are focused on increasing the capabilities of the fleet to defend national interests outside the state territory, to solve the tasks of air defense and anti-submarine defense of ship groups (including AUG), covering the Navy, ports, seaside airfields, etc.

Since 2014, Chinese sailors have participated in national and multilateral exercises and search and rescue operations in the Pacific, Indian and Atalantic Oceans. Since 2008, more than 26 Chinese ship groups (over 70 ships and vessels) have been involved in the anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden.

Along with the formation of forward-based points (logistics) on the territory of foreign countries and on the disputed islands of the South China Sea, the process of reorganizing the system of naval and naval areas (VMR) is underway. It was decided to leave one navy on each fleet, and reorganize the others into a VMR. Chinese military experts note that over the past 15 years, the fleet's combat capabilities have grown, including in solving tasks in distant sea zones. According to the PLA Navy command, the existing forces and means make it possible to fully solve the tasks in the coastal and near-sea zone.


The main task of the PRC's naval policy is to achieve dominance in the western Pacific Ocean, where China is involved in disputes over the ownership of the energy-rich areas of the East China and South China Seas, as well as ensuring the security of maritime communications. The use of the PLA Navy is carried out within the framework of military doctrinal concepts involving the readiness of the fleet to conduct combat operations primarily in the waters of coastal seas; preparation for conducting operations to the full depth of sea (ocean) theater; participation in a nuclear strike; conducting long-term operations in sea and ocean zones. The strengths of the PLA Navy include high rates of rearmament aimed at introducing new ships of national projects, missile and patrol boats. The weaknesses of the PLA Navy include the lack of auxiliary vessels and the little experience of their crews in ensuring the actions of the Navy groups in the ocean zone. The use of the fleet to cover sea communications is hampered by the lack of the necessary number of tanker aircraft.

Vasily Ivanov

Vasily Ivanovich Ivanov is a journalist.

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