
"Poseidon" will raise a tsunami 500 meters high, and the world will come to an end

Image source: © Министерство обороны РФ

In light of the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian nuclear torpedo "Poseidon" attracts the interest of the whole world, Yahoo News Japan reports. The radioactive wave caused by it is higher than the Empire State Building and is capable of reaching Washington. The United States has nothing to resist the "Doomsday weapon".


In the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, the world is closely watching the Russian nuclear weapon being developed, which could threaten the end of the world — the Poseidon torpedo.

This is the so—called modern "Doomsday weapon". The torpedo moves underwater and, when it explodes, creates a nuclear tsunami 500 meters high, which hits coastal cities.

In April 2022, when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid an unexpected visit to Kiev, taking a tough stance towards Moscow, a Russian TV channel warned him that Poseidon was equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of up to 100 megatons and that if it exploded near the British Isles, the raised wave would engulf them and turn the territories into "a radioactive desert."

On October 2, the Italian edition of La Repubblica reported that a nuclear submarine carrying the Poseidon had left the base for possible nuclear tests.

On October 6, US President Joe Biden said that if Russia uses nuclear weapons, a nuclear "Armageddon" will be inevitable.

How much damage can a radioactive tsunami 500 meters high cause?

For example, the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York is 93 meters, and the Empire State Building is 443 meters. That is, the city would have been hit by a wave much higher than these buildings. According to the Russian scientific journal, in a flat area, a surging tsunami can go 500 kilometers inland, that is, reach Washington. Significant areas of the coast that are affected will become uninhabitable within decades.

So is it possible to intercept Poseidon?

Military expert Kazuhiko Inoue notes that Poseidon is moving at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour at a depth of one thousand meters. It has an almost unlimited range due to its nuclear power plant, which makes it difficult for conventional missiles with a limited range to intercept it.

The United States, in turn, does not have weapons comparable to Poseidon, and therefore the Russian torpedo poses a serious threat to them.

Readers' comments

CayenneThere has been a lot of talk about the use of nuclear weapons lately, but Russian generals have long been discussing the limited use of less powerful tactical nuclear weapons, rather than the strategic ones mentioned in this article.

AboutI'm afraid that one day, like in the movies, something terrible will happen.

We have been told several times that we are on the verge of a world war, and there was such a thing as the Doomsday Clock.

ToI think that China, which supports Russia, is against the use of nuclear weapons, so perhaps Moscow is already holding preliminary talks with Beijing.

In any case, the radioactive contamination will have global proportions. If nuclear weapons are used, then, undoubtedly, it will lead to the transformation (destruction) of the world.

CannesPrime Minister Kishida warmly condemns Russia on the issue of the use of nuclear weapons, but instead of regrets, conviction is needed.

Kishida's diplomacy is wrong. This is the worst diplomacy in the world. He should direct all his efforts to convince President Putin, as well as President Zelensky. The latter, of course, is responsible for the fact that the use of nuclear weapons has become only a matter of time.

TfjThere have been many underwater nuclear tests in the past, but I've never heard of a giant tsunami occurring.

If we compare a nuclear weapon with a capacity of 100 megatons with an East Japanese earthquake, then the energy of the latter is five times greater.

MznNeither a tsunami with a height of 500 meters, nor a speed of 130 kilometers per hour at a depth of 1000 meters are possible with the available technologies.

130 kilometers per hour is too little to use supercavitation, and no power is enough to accelerate with screws or water jets. The higher the speed, the greater the water resistance force and the stronger the structure should be, but the stronger it is, the greater, of course, the weight. In the case of supercavitation, a high resistance parameter is also required while traveling at cruising speed, which makes it difficult to achieve a long range.

Win-winIt is not easy for Russian President Vladimir Putin to use nuclear weapons.

Because the "nuclear deterrence mechanism" works. The use of atomic weapons is a step backwards. Currently, for Moscow, nuclear weapons are only a means to gain an advantage.

SaitoLet's forget about Poseidon for a while.

The current situation is whether Russia will use nuclear weapons. If so, NATO will have to take some measures. The situation is very tense.

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