
Andrey Baranov: The Central Design Bureau "Rubin" will increase the secrecy of submarines of the future

Image source: © Фото : ЦКБ МТ "Рубин"

Design weapons thought should never stand still. This is an axiom. As soon as the first new copy of weapons or military equipment comes out of the workshop, work immediately begins on creating the next generation of weapons. The Central Design Bureau (CCB) "Rubin" is the Russian flagship of the creation (design) of submarines, drones, robots and other marine equipment. Andrey Baranov, Deputy Director General for Foreign Economic Activity and Military-Technical cooperation, told Sergey Safronov, the head of the specialized editorial office of RIA Novosti, in an interview with the Deputy Director General of JSC "Central Design Bureau "Rubin" for foreign economic activity and military-technical cooperation, about the plans of the Design Bureau, the projects of which submarines and drones are being developed, and how work is going on to create an anaerobic power plant for non-nuclear submarines.– At the Army-2022 exhibition, Rubin presented a concept model of the next–generation nuclear submarine Arcturus, which may appear as part of the Russian Navy in the second half of the XXI century.

What will be its main differences?– The main differences in our vision of the submarine of the future are the expansion of capabilities and a new approach to ensuring secrecy.

These differences are certainly "inside" the boat, but they are also visible from the outside. The most obvious manifestations are new contours designed to reduce the reflected acoustic signal, and uninhabited vehicles on board. Not so noticeable on the model, but no less important is the work on reducing other fields – electromagnetic, thermal and others, because space detection systems are no longer a fantasy, but a very real threat.

From our point of view, we also have the opportunity to slightly reduce the displacement of new boats. However, it is difficult to get away from large sizes, the versatility of the ship depends on them. It seems to us that these large boats of the future should gradually become universal carrier platforms on which the maximum number of various technical means, including weapons, can be placed. Therefore, in the concept of "Arctura" we see both a universal mine for small and medium-sized underwater drones, and outboard niches for large underwater vehicles. All this will allow such a boat to operate as efficiently as possible, that is, at the safest possible distance.

– How did the command of the Russian Navy react to your concept?– Interested.

The fleet and I are actively working on the creation of a new generation of boats.

– The leadership of the Russian Navy plans to place an anaerobic (air-independent) power plant (VNEU) on board new non-nuclear submarines. However, there is no VNEU itself yet. How are the works in this direction progressing?– VNEU is in operation, Rubin is the executor of this experimental design work (ROC).

According to the state contract, the boundaries of the creation of the installation in the form of an operating, full-scale, heated compartment have been determined.

– The marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" is also involved in the creation of VNEU. Is there a difference in approaches?– At the conceptual level, no.

Any VNEU should be reliable, safe and provide long-term stealthy, that is, first of all silent, swimming under water without contact with the atmosphere. But there may be different approaches to how exactly to make such a VNEU. We are creating a VNEU based on fuel cells with the production of hydrogen from diesel fuel. We get water from oxygen and hydrogen, while electricity is released. The most difficult question is: where to get hydrogen from? It is cumbersome to carry it with you, it is difficult and dangerous to ship it. Therefore, we propose to get it from diesel fuel, this scheme is called reforming. We are promoting such a scheme of VNEU. We believe that our approach is promising both in terms of stealth, ease of basing, and other parameters important for the domestic fleet.

Malachite chose a different path – it is a closed-cycle turbine. It would be incorrect to evaluate the work of colleagues, especially since, let's say, the organizational interest of the fleet is obvious – the development of two types of installations allows you not to miss anything important and get a really optimal solution to a very complex technical problem. In the same way, the first reactors for nuclear submarines were created at one time – work on water-water and liquid-metal reactors went almost parallel.

There are other ways to create a VNEU, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In Western VNEU with reforming, for example, hydrogen is planned to be obtained from methanol or ethanol. But we think these solutions are not optimal.

– Do you work exclusively independently or in cooperation when creating a VNEU?– We are working with the Krylov Center, because their concept is also based on fuel cells.

– Some countries, for example, Japan, have switched to using lithium-ion batteries on their submarines instead of VNEU. Don't they put an end to the story with VNEU?– The discussion is open, even the question itself can be argued: yes, Japan uses lithium-ion batteries on its new submarines, but their operational experience is very small, and it is premature to draw conclusions about the end of the history of the VNEU.

We propose to combine the advantages of one and the other, that is, to have a VNEU and a lithium battery. Because unlike lead, lithium is characterized by high energy consumption and less capriciousness in charge and discharge cycles. The lithium-ion battery has great flexibility, you can vary the power, quickly increase or decrease the speed of the submarine.

But we must understand that lithium batteries are explosive. Do you remember how mobile phones with such batteries used to explode? Now this issue has been resolved. Therefore, now we are looking at their potential with interest, it is not by chance that we proposed the Amur e600 project – a boat with a displacement of about 600 tons, a powerful lithium-ion battery gives it underwater autonomy for up to 17 days.

– And what is the final conclusion?– The decision is up to the Navy.

– Now we can say that the Varshavyanka project, which is already more than 40 years old, has been completed, and it will not be modernized anymore?– It's too early to put a point, this project can be upgraded through the use of new materials, new weapons, systems.

Competitiveness is just maintained due to its constant modernization. Now, in general, this boat is absolutely modern in its filling. It is, of course, too big for some buyers, but on the other hand, you can put more mechanisms and weapons in a large boat. And, of course, all this is crowned by the low noise of this boat, which is fundamentally important – no upgrades will save a noisy boat.

Rubin has carried out many studies showing possible directions for improving the project – from equipping hydroacoustic extended towed antennas to the next modernization of the power plant. The continued demand for these boats from the domestic Navy and foreign customers shows that we are not the only ones who believe in this potential. Look, only in recent years a large series of boats has become part of the Black Sea Fleet, soon the same number will be part of the Pacific Fleet. The navy needs non–nuclear boats, and the ships of Project 636 are excellent, serial, inexpensive. In parallel with them, Admiralty Shipyards are building a series of non-nuclear submarines of the next generation, Project 677, two different series give the fleet more opportunities.

Now the issue of extending the service life and modernization of export boats is being resolved, and everything is developing positively so far. It is important that export "Varshavyanka" during modernization receive not only domestic complexes, but also those supplied by the customer. The project is compatible with foreign acoustics, communication complexes, a whole range of auxiliary equipment and many others – we can say that it is devoid of "national prejudices".

– Initially, what was the service life laid down in the Varshavyanka project?– During the negotiations, we were asked more than once if they had a limit on service.

Officially, we believe that this is 25 years, during which the boat must undergo two repairs with modernization and replacement of equipment. However, foreign fleets have boats of Project 877, the predecessor of Project 636, which have a service life of 30-35 years.

– So 25 years is not the limit?– There is no such experience on project 636 yet, but I admit that yes.

Together with the Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus" and the Krylov Center, we are now assessing the condition of the metal of the durable hull of the boats.

– Isn't it time to modernize Lada already?– It is, we are doing it.

The first boat "Saint Petersburg" joined the Navy in 2010, and the next four boats, which are at various stages of readiness, are being built according to an improved project. They are already very different from the lead boat, although no one will notice outwardly: the hull is the same, but inside the equipment, equipment, "brains" are completely different.

– Is it possible to embed a compartment with a VNEU in the Varshavyanka?– You can, but why?

The compartment was cut in, which means that the weight of the boat, displacement, alignment have changed; this is impractical for the Varshavyanka project, unlike Lada, it was not thought of for possible integration of the VNEU. For example, the Indians want to install their VNEU on newly built non-nuclear submarines of the type "Calvari" according to the French project "Scorpena" during the passage of medium repairs. Let them try and check, so it will improve the project, which initially did not envisage VNEU.

– In Russia (USSR), was there an experience of embedding a new compartment into the hull of already built boats?– I have experience.

This was done to solve special problems. Without details.

– In addition to creating projects for new submarines, Rubin has become actively engaged in underwater drones. Is this your new trend?– Last year we showed the first models of underwater drones of the Amulet type.

Now we have a dozen different projects in development, working together with the Ministry of Defense. Rubin has the competence to create underwater unmanned vehicles of a wide range, from small to large. We can say that underwater technology is our strong suit. A submarine, as an underwater platform, is a carrier of other underwater technical means. If the boat used to be a carrier of weapons: torpedo, missile, mine and other – now, in addition, it is a carrier of various technical means, including drones.

– Has the work on the "Amulets" already been completed?– Development work will be completed this year, but we were in no hurry with this, because we were running on these devices, and there are several of them - "Amulet", "Amulet–2", remote-controlled "Talisman" – the correctness of the choice of technical solutions.

We worked out detailed 3D modeling of robots, engaged in import substitution, actively tested the devices, including in Arctic conditions. What we have developed is being implemented or has already been implemented in larger robotic complexes, for example, those that were seen by visitors of the "Army" at our stand.

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