Image source: topwar.ru
Universal nuclear-powered icebreaker "Ural" was built at the Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg, completed construction and is preparing to enter the factory sea trials. The icebreaker has completed all the work.
The release of "Ural" on THE scheduled for October 11, the trials in the Gulf of Finland. Details of the tests are not presented, as well as time, but in November, the icebreaker should be transferred to the customer. Earlier it was reported that the sea trials will begin in September, but apparently for some reason was shifted to October. Thus all the work on the ship was carried out according to the schedule.
Universal nuclear-powered icebreaker "Ural" is the second series and the third icebreaker of project 22220, built to ensure year-round navigation along the Northern sea route. Laid down at the Baltic shipyard in Saint Petersburg on 25 July 2016 after the head of the Arktika and the first serial "Siberia", launched on 25 may 2019, after which he completed afloat. The reactor facility was launched in may this year.
Main propulsion icebreakers includes two reactor "RITM-200" thermal capacity of 175 MW each. Its main advantage over other similar systems is the compact and cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency of the integrated layout. The design of the reactor allows to work reliably at rolling submarine with the amplitude of 45 degrees and a pitch of 15 degrees. The service life of the reactors to 40 years.
A feature of the icebreakers of project 22220 is the use of variable precipitation using ballast tanks. Its double-draft ships can operate in deep water and in shallow water in rivers, breaking the ice with thickness of up to 3 meters.