
The Snow Queen and the Naked King


What do polar bears, magic mirrors and Soviet trade have in commonTroy Buffard, director of the U.S. Center for Security and Arctic Resilience, stationed in Alaska, recently said that the U.S. Coast Guard has only two icebreakers.

And the US Navy does not have one. Whereas Russia has 55 icebreakers, and five of them are nuclear. "We literally have nothing," Buffard concluded.

Who is the Snow Queen in this scenario (with a haughty face, wearing a crown of strategic metal and precious furs), and who is the Naked king (with goose bumps and other unappetizing details), it seems, there is no need to specify.

PENGUINS AND ANGELSAlthough it cannot be said that the Americans were sitting idly by and waiting for bad weather by the icy sea.

This summer, the United States formed a new 11th airborne division in Alaska called the Arctic Angels. And at the end of August, President Biden established the post of American ambassador to the Arctic.

In Russia, this news caused a lively response. Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov said: "It's a great idea. The only question is: to whom will the ambassador in the Arctic present his credentials? The first polar bear that comes along?"

Forbes magazine decided to clarify the situation. During the Cold War, the United States and the USSR fought for dominance in the Arctic, then detente began. In the 1990s, Russia and the West even created the Arctic Council. But soon, for Americans, the Arctic turned out to be on the sidelines. For example, they still manage their troops in freezing Alaska from hot Hawaii.

Meanwhile, melting ice has opened up new prospects for the Northern Sea Route. Russia has established the Arctic Command and is reviving military facilities beyond the Arctic Circle. China is building the world's largest icebreaker and calls the Arctic the "new command height." So the Arctic Ocean is now fit to be called the Northern Business Ocean.

The Americans are still responding asymmetrically. Three years ago, President Trump was asking if it was possible to buy Greenland from Denmark and make an unsinkable aircraft carrier out of it. At least there was a swing here... There was also a decision of the Congress to build six icebreakers. But against the background of 55 Russian, this program looked pale. Moreover, the first one has not been completed yet.

So the appointment of an ambassador to the polar bears is somewhere on the same line. At the same time, Russia suspended its membership in the Arctic Council. It seems that the Americans want to dominate there from now on. Although the meaning of the existence of this office itself without Russia seems doubtful.

But it is possible that President Biden simply confused the Arctic and Antarctica. They regularly confuse Iran and Iraq there in America. Slovakia and Slovenia. Georgia and Georgia. Austria and Australia. Kansas, Kuzbass and Honduras.

Meanwhile, the appointment of the American ambassador to Antarctica does not make sense at all. These polar bears are inveterate loners, and southern penguins can be united into an exemplary democracy. If heavenly angels serve as airborne paratroopers, then such a project does not seem impossible.

Something like this was described by Anatole France in the novels "Penguin Island" and "Rise of the Angels". However, there were political difficulties there. But diligence overcomes everything.

INTELLIGENCE REPORTEDSometimes, however, diligence overcomes reason.

In August, a certain "Global Climate Intelligence Group" (Global Climate Intelligence Group) issued a "World Climate Declaration" with the subtitle "There is no climate emergency". It has so far been signed by 1,356 scientists from 15 countries, mainly Western ones.

The intelligence group claims that human guilt in heating the atmosphere is a precocious unscientific myth and a global political provocation. The geological chronicle shows that the Earth's climate has changed many times, the alternation of warm and cold epochs is a natural process. At the same time, the little ice age ended quite recently, in the middle of the XIX century. No wonder we live in an era of warming.

This warming is going much slower than in the panic forecasts of environmental funds and biased experts. So the policy of the West is based on inadequate climate models.

The whole decarbonization campaign was based on erroneous, if not malicious postulates. Carbon dioxide does not cause any harm to nature. On the contrary, it is the main growth factor of the total planetary biomass. The more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, the higher the yields of farmers.

Conclusion: there is no ecological catastrophe, and there is no reason to panic. And the international program of decarbonization and zero emissions by 2050 is unscientific, impracticable and harmful.

The intelligence group does not report who is to blame for this worldwide trick.

In fact, there is nothing new in her declaration. Similar arguments were given five and ten years ago, but they did not want to listen to them. It's just that now Europeans have shaken faith in windmills and solar panels, and they had to heat stations on coal and fuel oil. So the theoretical justification has arrived.

WINDMILLS START AND LOSEAt first, it was an honest commercial racket: to withdraw billions from energy and mining companies and redistribute them to their environmental benefit.

Then, under this tune, the undesirables began to be cheated on the international arena and on a global scale.

Heavy artillery was rolled out – in the person of former US Vice President Albert Gore. He even got a Nobel Prize for fighting the good weather.

Sophisticated special equipment was pulled up – in the guise of an alternatively gifted Swedish girl Greta Thunberg. The girl made a world tour, broadcast from the rostrum of the UN, personally closed coal mines.

They recruited cannon fodder in the form of mass environmental movements. When Greenpeace activists decided to land on the Prirazlomnaya drilling platform in the Barents Sea ten years ago, it was very similar to war reports.

The "green redistribution" in the energy sector turned out to be an excellent mechanism for maintaining the dominance of the West. Get away from me with your dirty gas, roll up your gas pipeline, I despise you, you are a pathetic, insignificant person...

By the way, the thievish Panikovsky with his earth–colored cuffs is a bright representative of the green element. Even his surname comes from the god of wild nature Pan. Indirectly, through the word "panic".

DRAGONFLY AND THE SELLERThe green ideology was preached so fiercely and professed so fervently that even its creators themselves believed in it.

It is easy to convince those who have lived well and warm for several generations that the main thing in life is green hydrogen, artificial intelligence and a new iPhone. Because a hot shower, a warm toilet and cold veal are already guaranteed to them. Food is vulgar, let's think high. Everything should be fine in a person – face, clothes, iPhone, and sneakers. And a dragonfly hopping is much more attractive than a greedy ant. To engage in modern dance and keep a beauty blog is not for you to pick at the ground.

But no mechanism, even a military one, works forever. "The iron winter has died – and there are no traces left." The Ukrainian crisis broke out, thunderous sanctions broke out, auctioned off, responded, auctioned off again, clouded and popped. And very quickly it turned out that the green hydrogen of the apartment will not warm, and artificial intelligence will not slip a pie.

The French economist Charles Gav vividly said this: "We are ruled by real idiots! European leaders have fallen into a climate frenzy, promoting magic mirrors and windmills... Previously, politicians kept to logic, now our society has turned from logical to magical."

In economics, the buyer's market and the seller's market are distinguished. And energy markets have long been buyer's markets.

The European buyer wandered as the director of the beach, that is, to blame, the shelf. He turned up his nose, knocked down the price, scared the court. You will close this nuclear power plant, it is dangerous for you. You will not have long-term contracts for oil and gas, you will overdo it. I'm a buyer, I'm always right. And you are a salesman, you are always to blame.

When Russia offered to buy oil and gas for rubles, it only emphasized that the energy market has turned upside down. Now it is a seller's market with all its charms. And what are these charms, remember those who found the Soviet trade.

Do not let go of more than a kilogram in one hand. Take, man, what they give, do not delay the queue. Sveta, don't dilute the sour cream, I've already diluted it. Forty and forty – forty rubles, matches were taken – two fifty. There are many of you, but I am alone.

And the new order seems to have reigned for a long time. Until new fields are explored and new nuclear power plants are built. It will get worse from year to year, as one Siberian mermaid prophesied. So even in this landscape, the European Union is a Naked king, waiting with horror for white flies. And Russia is all a Snow Queen.

Because there are many of them, and she is alone.

STEERING WHEEL TURNTwo famous centenarians have died.

Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and last president of the USSR. And Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Gorbachev ruled for less than seven years, Elizabeth reigned for seventy. But the results are surprisingly similar. The largest continental power collapsed under one. A vast maritime empire has sailed away from under the other.

However, the collapse of the Soviet Union was fast and friendly, like an ice drift on a river. And the British Empire was melting little by little, like centuries-old polar ice. On the other hand, Russia remained an empire, even changing the sign. And the United Kingdom has turned into a tiny crumb scattered across two hemispheres.

Grief for Elizabeth has swept the whole country, mourning is even worn there with a tear, which is generally unusual for the British. Gorbachev was almost forgotten before his death, although formal state honors were given to him.

Well, it also seems to be clear who is who. One is a retired autocrat, an actor without an engagement, a textbook loser. The other is an ice block, a guarantor, a preservative and an adamant, albeit a purely symbolic figure.

But then everything just gets confused.

Elizabeth's reign fell on the Cold War, the global thaw and new frosts. But she didn't control the weather. But Gorbachev arranged this thaw himself, dispersed the clouds, heated up the atmosphere: I wanted to try on a democratic European dress.

In general, in the twentieth century we had three liberal rulers: Kerensky, Khrushchev and Gorbachev. All three loved to talk and show off in public. All three of them had a long life after political death. All three were cursed by many, but especially often by the military.

And for Elizabeth, who was also considered the supreme commander-in-chief, there is, among other things, a small victorious war for the Falklands. Against the background of the collapse of the imperial iceberg, it was a mere trifle. But, as you know, the last event is remembered.

Elizabeth was loved and respected. Frequent scandals in the royal family strangely did not stick to her. And she was revered abroad: after all, the old firm. You can immediately see a person from the former time, as the same Panikovsky would say.

Gorbachev was hated at home or, at best, mocked at him. In the West, they adored, but they cheated with pleasure. The Berlin Wall? So it was not broken, it was moved and is still being moved. Disarmament treaties? There's not much left of them. New thinking? Are you talking about the American "rules-based order"?

And the result, in general, is the same. Not very comforting.

But at least they tried. The queen is to freeze her power with the last of her strength, to mold the word "eternity" from the wreckage. The General Secretary is to shift the steering wheel of a huge car on an icy road and with monstrous inertia.

"Well, let's try: a huge, clumsy,/Creaky steering wheel turn./ The earth is floating. Take courage, men,/ Like a plow, dividing the ocean./ We will remember in the summer cold,/ That the earth cost us ten heavens."

Arkady Threw upArkady Fomich Vomited - journalist.

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