
Head of KTRV Obnosov: a swarm of our missiles can exchange information and redistribute targets - TASS interview

Image source: КТРВ

One of the world's largest defense industrial corporations, Tactical Missile Armament (KTRV), specializes in the development, production and modernization of missiles for aviation, ship and ground complexes, marine underwater weapons, as well as rocket and space technology. Its products are in high demand and are successfully used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including during a military special operation in Ukraine. Boris Obnosov, the General director of KTRV Hero of Russia, told TASS in an interview about what missiles and torpedoes the Russian army has today, what capabilities they have, as well as what aviation weapons are being developed and will soon enter service.

— Boris Viktorovich, it is known that KTRV is working on the creation of small-sized ammunition for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). At what stage are these works now? Have there been any trials, have they been completed?— KTPB has been working for several years on small-sized guided weapons designed to arm not only UAVs, but also front-line aviation complexes.

As an example, the X-MD-E short-range self-guided guided missile, which is in experimental design development (R&D) at the stage of a technical project, and we expect that we should complete it in the very near future. During the OKP, several prototypes of experimental samples were made and successful pilot launches from UAVs were carried out.

At the Army-2022 forum, one of the samples weighing 110 kg was presented, which allows it to be placed not only under a helicopter and an airplane, but also under a drone. Our task is to use the same principle: "let it go — forget it." Today there are developers who make even smaller products. The niche of KTRV is 50-100 kg so far .

— The corporation creates high-precision intelligent weapons. What are the capabilities of our cruise missiles today?— Any guided missile is intelligent compared to an unguided one.

We can talk about the level of intelligence, which is noticeably increasing with each generation of guided missiles.

The first-generation aircraft rocket controlled by radio commands had the intelligence of a person who makes decisions every second in a difficult situation and often simultaneously controls the carrier aircraft.

A guided missile of the second generation, aimed at the spot of the laser illuminator, requires external intellectual support during the organization of the illumination of the target. Having seen a laser spot in the field of view of the GPS, the rocket independently develops the necessary control commands until it hits the target.

Currently, KTPB is developing guided missiles of the third generation, which, before launch, it is enough to inform in the flight task the coordinates or the location of the target, the signs of the target or the terrain in the target area.

Independent search and target detection is a characteristic feature of third—generation guided missiles. These are the X-38MLE, X-38MTE, X-59MK2, X-35UE missiles. The next step is to use guided missile guidance systems with artificial intelligence elements capable of making rational decisions in a complex target environment.

If our rocket, we will not name specific figures, flies several thousand km and falls into a circle with a radius of 10 m, then it is clear that it has all very high-tech means of both the onboard control system and the final guidance. I'm not even talking about everything else — the engine, aerodynamics. This is the intellectual nature of the missile — to hit the target at a given distance.

Any of our products, which was also presented at the Army-2022 exhibition, is intellectual. Whether it is an adjustable aircraft bomb, an air—to—air missile, an air-to-surface missile, or an air—to-ship missile. They are able to organize and protect against weapons of destruction. They have learned to avoid obstacles that are encountered on the way, that is, the rocket can bypass the mountain, hide behind the folds of the terrain, make "eights" and return to the target. This is the task. 

Of course, there is no limit to perfection here, it is a continuous process. In many cases, such a task has already been solved: a swarm of missiles is released, they exchange information among themselves, redistribute the targets that need to be hit. This is aerobatics! And in this direction, like our competitors, we are working.

— Can we say that over the past ten years we have made a breakthrough compared to what it was? Figuratively speaking, were there "smart rockets" 15 years ago?— Those rockets that were at the end of the last century were also considered the pinnacle of design thought.

They were smart, too. For your time! But the means of protection were different. Everything is known in comparison. 

Why develop in the missile theme if the products calmly overcome the air defense system and the means of protection that are available around the target? And since both are improving, then we are not standing still. Therefore, KTRV works very closely with the Almaz-Antey concern of East Kazakhstan Region, which is just dealing with issues of providing protection against high-precision missiles. And this interaction leads to mutual enrichment.

— What are the main trends in the development of rocket technology today? You spoke earlier about modular structures.— Undoubtedly, the modularity in many designs of our products is visible.

And the world's first modular rocket X-25M was created at the KTPB parent company in the 80s of the last century. 

The main ideas of modularity are actively used in KTPB in the design of multi-purpose tactical and operational-tactical missiles. In accordance with this concept, the rocket is divided into functionally separate modules made in the form of separate compartments. The set of modules common to all variants is a basic module. Separate variants of the modular family are formed by adding so-called replaceable modules to the base module. 

In the last decade, the development of two variants of the modular X-38ME family — X-38MLE and X-38MTE - was completed. A rocket of this type consists of five modules. Three make up the base module, and two compartments — the GOS and the warhead — are replaceable. 

The previously mentioned X-MD-E rocket is also modular. When replacing the propulsion module with an additional warhead module, we get a guided aerial bomb.

The second direction of development is miniaturization. Rockets with smaller overall weight parameters can be placed more on an air or sea carrier, and at the same time one rocket solves the same tasks as its predecessor, which is five times more in weight. This is a major breakthrough in this area, which has become possible thanks to progress in all areas of rocket science.

We are also working on increasing the range, which requires the development of new engines, more efficient, with less fuel consumption, improved aerodynamics.

— It is known that one of the main requirements for the design of a fifth—generation aircraft is the placement of aircraft weapons in the internal compartments of weapons. To what extent do the X-38ME multi-purpose missiles meet the requirements?— They fully meet the requirements, can be placed both inside the fuselage and on the external suspension.

The placement of the X-38ME missile in the armament compartment of the fifth-generation aircraft was one of the main requirements of the tactical and technical task. For the first time, we had to solve the problem of achieving the specified characteristics with strict dimensional restrictions on all three coordinates.

In addition, the possibility of capturing a target for tracking by a missile guidance system in flight suggests that the X-38ME missile should be at least the third generation in terms of intelligence.

Comparative assessments with foreign analogues of multi—purpose tactical air-to-surface missiles show that the X-38ME missiles are very effective.

— This year, the new generation X-69 cruise missile was presented for the first time at the Army forum. Could you tell us more about this product? Have the tests already been carried out?— The X-69 is a multifunctional unobtrusive high—precision aviation cruise missile of a new generation.

This is the first general-purpose rocket in the world practice, placed inside the fuselage of operational and tactical aircraft with the maximum permissible tactical and technical characteristics allowed for export. 

Equipping carrier aircraft with X-69 missiles can significantly increase the efficiency of the aviation complex as a whole by maintaining the stealth of the carrier aircraft and increasing ammunition.

The missile was developed taking into account the highest requirements for aviation weapons in terms of accuracy, noise immunity, effectiveness of combat equipment, compactness and low visibility. The launch range is up to 290 km, the warhead is up to 310 kg.

A rocket of rectangular cross-section. Why? Watermelons began to be grown in some countries not round, but in the form of a parallelepiped, because it is more convenient for transportation. And in our case, this allows the maximum number of products to be loaded into the inner compartment. Plus, due to new materials, the effective scattering surface of the rocket is significantly smaller.

I am sure that in the future the X-69 will be one of the most ordered missiles. Naturally, it has a great export potential.

— Is there any further modernization of anti-radar missiles of the X-31P type? What direction of development is it supposed to take?— In general, what are anti-radar missiles for?

The modern theater of military operations implies that the entire range of weapons can be used only after the suppression of the air defense system. By and large, this cannot be achieved without anti-radar missiles. 

Aircraft armed with anti-radar missiles play a crucial role in ensuring the conquest of airspace over enemy territory. The X-31P was highly appreciated during the Georgian conflict in 2008. The rocket was equipped with three types of GOS, operating in different ranges. Before the flight, it was necessary to choose a product with the desired frequency range corresponding to the range of operation of the enemy's air defense system.

In the new modification of the X-31PD rocket, we took a different path. A broadband head is installed on it, which covers the entire range of today's and predicted frequencies of the potential enemy's air defense systems. In appearance, the X-31P and X-31PD missiles are very similar, both titanium. But the difference between them is enormous. For the X-31PD, the maximum range is 250 km, and the previous modification has twice as much. The X-31PD rocket has no equal in its main characteristics — average speed and flight range.

Another product of KTRV — X-58USHKE — solves approximately the same tasks. It is placed inside the fuselage of tactical aircraft. This makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the aviation complex as a whole by maintaining the stealth of the carrier aircraft and increasing the ammunition.

The X-58USHKE rocket has incorporated the best innovative solutions of the X-58 family — both designs and control systems. The X-58USHKE has a body shortened to 4.2 m, folding wing and tail consoles, a wide-range passive radar homing head, a navigation and automatic control system based on a free-form inertial system. 

— What kind of work is KTRV doing to modernize air—to-air missiles (short-range RVV-MD, medium-range RVV-SD and long-range RVV-BD)?— The issues of modernization of air—to-air missiles are being solved constantly.

At the same time, we rely on the experience of local conflicts since Vietnam. First of all, such characteristics of short-range highly maneuverable air combat as transience, high values of maneuverable overloads, large angular velocities of relative movement of opponents and others are taken into account. 

Improvements in these indicators formed the basis for the development of a new line of short—range RVV-MD, medium-range RVV-SD and long-range RVV-BD air-to-air missiles.

The RVV-MD missile provides the pilot with close air combat, without imposing restrictions on the flight characteristics of the fighter, with the implementation of the "shot - forgot" principle. It provides the ability to reach large angles of attack and defeat targets maneuvering with overloads up to 12 g. RVV-MD is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 40 km.

The creation of the RVV-SD medium-range missile was carried out by a deep modernization of the PBB-AE model. The RVV-SD missile has a launch range of up to 110 km (the PBB-AE missile has a launch range of up to 80 km). The use of the RVV-SD rocket on the principle of "let—forget", including with multi-channel firing, the possibility of trajectory capture of targets and re-targeting of the missile in flight from one target to another provides it with one of the leading places in its class.

The new RVV—BD long-range air-to-air missile also has significantly improved performance compared to its predecessor, the R-33E. RVV-DB provides the defeat of targets on the principle of "let — forget" at ranges up to 200 km (R-33E — 120 km) at altitudes from 15 m to 25 km.

In general, we are significantly increasing the range of air—to-air missiles, their accuracy due to more sensitive heads and, of course, maneuverability and those overloads that the products can withstand. For what? To use them against a maneuverable target, and not necessarily a manned one. All our products today can hit targets maneuvering with large overloads, much greater than the pilot can withstand.

— New electric torpedo ET-1E. What can you tell us about her?— This is the first electric torpedo created in Russia.

A couple of years ago we finished testing. It enters service. A good product. The advantages include high transport characteristics (speed, range), the possibility of use in any areas of the World Ocean, including in shallow areas and under ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, smooth speed control, low noise, the possibility of subsequent modernization of the design and software.

— When is the first prototype of an ultra-small homing torpedo expected to appear?— Then, when the relevant work is completed.

The development of ultra-small homing torpedoes for arming a wide range of carriers is one of the priorities.

— When is it planned to complete the work on the creation of a universal mine complex?— The research work on the formation of the appearance of the universal mine complex has been successfully completed.

According to the wishes of the customer, the results obtained during the research will be used for the modernization of previously delivered complexes.

— Earlier, NPO Molniya reported on the development of a reusable complex with an orbital aircraft. For what purposes is it created? Is this an initiative development or have there been any negotiations already with Roscosmos about the future of the project?— I think that this is not a matter of the near future, because the NGO "Lightning" we got in a very bad financial and economic condition.

Today we are working on the improvement of the enterprise. At this stage, it will focus on the creation of target missiles.

In general, it is a pity that the company has been forgotten and abandoned for 25 years. I personally knew Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky, met with him repeatedly. We can say that we took NPO Molniya into the corporation out of great respect for the memory that my colleagues and I have preserved, namely for those mighty developments that were once conducted there. I hope that we will slowly pull it out and take up more advanced tasks.

— In 2021, it was reported that KTRV is engaged in the creation of a coastal surveillance system of the coastal Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, which will help ensure the safety of the Northern Sea Route. At what stage is this project?— To ensure the safety of the Northern Sea Route, the Granit-Electron Concern offers a multi-band radio-electronic (radar) complex with fixed antennas for operation in difficult climatic conditions.

The draft terms of reference are being approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Such a radio-electronic complex can operate in several of the most informative frequency ranges, since it uses the technology of a unified information network. This network can monitor maritime transport, including coordinating the actions of icebreaking vessels and icebreaking caravans, and stop unauthorized shipping.

We also showed full-scale samples that will determine the thickness of the ice, its largest accumulation, concentration. And these works are continuing, several experimental stations have been created, which have great potential for further development and solving dual-use tasks.

— The Corporation pays a lot of attention to the Arctic in terms of civilian developments. Is this one of the main directions for KTRV?— One of the very important ones.

Roman Azanov talked

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