
In the USA, a farewell ceremony was held with the missile cruiser USS Monterey


Image source: topwar.ru

The Navy of the United States continues to write off the Ticonderoga class cruiser. So last week held a farewell ceremony for the missile cruiser USS Monterey.

About it reports a press-service of the US Navy.

The ship was built at the shipyard Bath Iron Works in Maine, owned by General Dynamics. He was commissioned on June 16, 1990 in Mayport, Florida. USS Monterey served for 32 years. During his service, the cruiser participated in 14 deployments.

Image source: topwar.ru

It is well served by its crews and his nation, and rightfully takes its place among the ships, which for over 200 years and played an indispensable role in the protection of the United States of America, and served as its strategic interests around the world

said captain David Schaller.

In total, the 2022 fiscal year, which in the United States ends in September, is scheduled for decommissioning of five ships of the Ticonderoga class, which includes the guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey. The first of them in August was decommissioned USS Vella Gulf. 22 Sep plan to decommission USS Anzio and USS Port Royal – a week later. USS Hué City also must leave a valid service in September.

Decommissioning was decided after taking in the beginning of the year appropriations act for defense in fiscal year 2022. Initially, the White House proposed to decommission seven cruisers, but stopped at five.

And in the next five years, the U.S. Navy going to decommission 22 missile cruiser. They are going to replace the destroyer class Flight III Arleigh Burke.

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