
Self-propelled artillery gun 2S42 "Lotus" will be modified taking into account the experience of a special military operation in Ukraine


Image source: topwar.ru

The newest 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun 2S42 "Lotus", being developed for airborne units, has completed the preliminary testing stage. Currently, the developers are eliminating the shortcomings identified during the testing of the gun.

According to Tsniitochmash, CAO Lotos has successfully passed the preliminary testing stage, state tests are scheduled to begin in the third quarter of next year, but this is tentative. Now the developer is working to eliminate the comments identified during the tests, and is also finalizing the gun with experience in using armored vehicles in a special military operation in Ukraine.

Judging by the statements of various Russian companies, during these six months the Russian army has gained tremendous experience, many models of armored vehicles are being refined taking into account their own.

Preliminary tests of CAO 2C42 have been completed in full with a positive result. Now work is underway to eliminate the comments received during the preliminary tests

- TASS cites the message of Tsniitochmash.

The newest airborne floating self-propelled artillery gun "Lotus" was created on the chassis of the BMD-4M and is intended for the Airborne troops of the Russian Federation. Weight - 18 tons, speed – up to 70 km/ h, power reserve – at least 500 km. Combat crew - 4 people. The rate of fire is 6-8 rounds per minute. The firing range is up to 13 km.

The CAO "Lotus" is designed to replace the 120-mm self-propelled artillery and mortar 2S9 "Nona" and its modifications that are in service with the Airborne Forces.

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