
From aeronautics to sky domination

Image source: © РИА Новости / Илья Питалев

The Russian Air Force is 110 years old.

The glorious history of the Air Force of our state suggests that throughout the entire existence of the country's military air fleet has always been at the forefront, in leading roles in the world. This is the merit of the aviation design and engineering school, which has preserved its traditions from the time of the Russian Empire to this day. Professionalism, high level of training, and often the courage and bravery of the flight engineering staff of the Air Force are also beyond doubt. Our military pilots and technicians solve tasks with valor and honor during a special military operation in Ukraine. The Commander of the Air Force, Deputy Commander-in–Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Sergey DRONOV, tells the Red Star about the results with which the Air Force personnel approached the next anniversary.

– Sergey Vladimirovich, how were the Russian Air Force created, what path have they gone through in 110 years?

– The history of the air Force began in the XX century on the eve of the First World War. The premonition of a "world massacre" forced the military and political leadership of the Russian Empire to make efforts to create an air fleet as an element of the Armed Forces in the interests of conducting aerial reconnaissance, adjusting artillery fire, transmitting reports, orders and transporting people and cargo.

In the autumn of 1911, Emperor Nicholas II took part in the celebrations dedicated to the first anniversary of the Sevastopol Aviation School and the first graduation of pilot officers, which was the reason for the supreme command of November 22 (December 5 - new style) 1911: "All questions on aeronautics in the army should be concentrated in the Main Directorate of the General Staff." On August 12 (July 30 – old style), 1912, by order of the Minister of War No. 397, General of Cavalry V.A. Sukhomlinov, the issues of aeronautics and aviation were transferred to a specially created body – the Aeronautical Part of the General Staff. This date is considered the day of the formation of Russian military aviation.

The young Soviet Republic founded its air force in 1918 under the name of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Fleet. The air force underwent serious tests during the years of the Great Patriotic War: in a short time their structural reorganization was carried out, the number was significantly increased. In total, over the years of the war, aviation carried out more than 3 million combat sorties. For their courage and bravery, over 200 thousand soldiers-aviators were awarded orders and medals, almost two and a half thousand (2,420) were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 65 pilots were awarded this title twice, and two – three times.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the era of jet aircraft began, a new type of military equipment appeared – helicopters.

In 1997, the Russian Air Force was created, which united the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force. In the same year, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 (dated August 29) August 12 is set as the Day of the Air Force.

In connection with the expansion of the spectrum of external threats to Russia's national security and in order to ensure it not only in the air, but also in the space spheres, on August 1, 2015, the Aerospace Forces were created, into which the Air Force as a branch of the Armed Forces joined organizationally.

The development of the Air Force continues at the present time in order to protect Russia's national interests and the country's military security in the aerospace sphere.

– How are the Russian Air Force structurally represented today? What tasks do they perform, what equipment is in service?

– Modern Air Forces are a highly maneuverable and mobile kind of Aerospace forces designed to repel aggression in the airspace, protect against air strikes from ground and surface objects, defeat the enemy, as well as for aviation support and support of combat operations of other types and branches of the Armed Forces.

According to their purpose, they are divided into long-range, military transport, operational-tactical and army aviation, and according to the tasks to be solved – into bomber, assault, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aviation, which are the branches of the Air Force.

The Air Force includes long-range and military transport aviation commands, aviation of the armies of the Air Force and Air Defense, aviation divisions, army aviation brigades, aviation regiments, individual aviation squadrons, as well as military educational institutions and research organizations.

Based on the analysis of experience, changes are being made to training programs and plans that allow training aviation personnel taking into account the actual conditions of combat operations

The organizational structure of the modern Air Force makes it possible to effectively solve the tasks facing them.

Long-range aviation is armed with Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic bombers, as well as the Tu-22M3 long-range bomber. Currently, these aircraft are being upgraded. New equipment is installed on them, adapting them to new types of aviation weapons of destruction, the accuracy of its application and, consequently, combat effectiveness is significantly increased. Last year, a regiment with the Dagger aviation missile system on MiG-31K aircraft joined the long-range aviation, which is currently being successfully used during the SVO.

The main military transport aircraft successfully solving the task of parachuting troops and equipment of Airborne troops is the IL-76D heavy military transport aircraft. Now the troops are receiving its upgraded version – IL-76MD-90A, which has more economical engines and new equipment. The world's largest turboprop AN-22 and heavy long-range AN-124 aircraft, also in service with military transport aviation, are unique in their carrying capacity, flight range and the size of cargo cabins.

Due to the large range of tasks being solved, tactical aviation has a wide range of aircraft in service, and includes the Su-25SM3 attack aircraft, Su-27SM, Su-30SM, Su-35S fighters, Su-24M, Su-34, Su-34M bombers, MiG-31BM interceptor fighter. A multifunctional fifth-generation Su-57 aircraft is also arriving.

The army aviation is armed with various modifications of the Mi-8 transport and amphibious helicopter, which has become the most massive twin-engine helicopter in the world. Transport tasks are solved using Mi-26 helicopters, which have the largest payload capacity in the world, and strike tasks are solved using Mi–24, Mi-35, Mi-28 helicopters of various modifications, Ka-52. Their flight-technical characteristics, arsenal of weapons of destruction and defense make it possible to effectively solve tasks directly over the battlefield.

The troops continue to be equipped with unmanned aerial vehicles for operational purposes, such as the Pacer and the Outpost-RU.

They are used to solve reconnaissance and strike missions in order to increase the capabilities of manned aviation.

Special attention is paid to the issues of joint use of unmanned and manned aircraft, the introduction into practice of new methods and techniques for solving combat and special tasks.

At the same time, modern aviation weapons with high functional and combat capabilities are in service, capable of effectively solving combat tasks to destroy targets in the air and on the ground.

For example, army aviation helicopters, along with anti-tank guided missiles, use light multi-purpose guided missiles that have proven themselves well in military conflicts.

Operational and tactical aviation has received a wide range of modern air–to–air and air-to-surface guided missiles with improved tactical and technical characteristics.

Long-range aviation is equipped with high-precision long-range air-launched cruise missiles.

– Modern aviation equipment that has entered service in recent years, be it Su-35S, Su-30SM, Su-34 aircraft, Ka-52, Mi-28N, Mi-8 helicopters of various modifications – all of them are actively involved in a special military operation today. Tell us how this technique has proven itself? Does it meet the characteristics that were laid down when it was created?

– Incoming modern samples of aviation equipment are equipped with the latest personal protection systems, much attention is paid to improving survival in the air, reducing radar visibility, automating the processes of aircraft control and the use of weapons.

All samples have already been tested during the fighting in the special operation in Syria, and the necessary improvements have been promptly carried out according to the results.

Today, the participation of military aviation in a special military operation in Ukraine is widely and objectively covered by the mass media. We are convinced of the effectiveness of its application, its high flight performance characteristics, established by us during the design and creation of samples of aviation equipment, every day.

– One of the flagships of operational and tactical aviation today is the fifth-generation Su-57 aircraft. Tell us how it is being mastered in the aviation units of the Air Force. What can I tell you about the Su-57 based on the results of operation in the VKS aviation centers?

– The Su-57 is a fifth–generation aircraft, it is distinguished by its versatility of application, super maneuverability, long-term supersonic cruising flight mode, maximum automation of aircraft control processes and the use of weapons.

It embodies the most modern achievements of Russian science and technology, previously tested on previous generation Su-30SM and Su-35S aircraft. It uses a complex control system with adaptive properties. This allows for comfortable and, most importantly, safe piloting in a wide range of altitudes and flight speeds. The pilot is unloaded from control tasks and can devote more time and attention to navigation tasks, working with the weapons complex, and information exchange. The aerodynamic layout of the aircraft, the placement of weapons in the internal compartments and the coating applied to the surface of the airframe can significantly reduce visibility.

In order to gain experience, develop methodological manuals for flight crews in piloting, navigation and combat use, pilot operation of the aircraft is currently being carried out.

Thanks to modern technologies and software and mathematical support, the flight crew quickly masters the aircraft, easily adapts to new tasks that it is able to perform. In the near future, the young flight crew will also begin studying the aircraft, which in the future will have to fully realize the inherent combat potential of the Su-57 aircraft.

– As for the special military operation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the Air Force in particular, receive invaluable experience there. How will the acquired experience be implemented during planned combat training in aviation units and formations of the Aerospace Forces, air Force and air defense associations of military districts, as well as in universities of the Aerospace Forces?

– Combat experience gained during a special military operation is thoroughly studied by the command of the Air Force and in military scientific organizations. The main attention is paid to achieving a high level of individual skill of flight personnel in the combat use of new types of aviation equipment and aviation weapons, the development of new tactical techniques for combat use, especially ways to effectively counter enemy air defense and electronic warfare, including Western production, as well as the coherence of aviation units and units in the joint performance of combat missions.

Based on the analysis of experience, changes are being made to training programs and plans that allow training aviation personnel taking into account the actual conditions of combat operations, recommendations are being developed that will be implemented in the practice of combat training of the armies of the Air Force and air defense of military districts.

The theory of the issue is planned to be studied at the Military Educational and Scientific Center "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" and the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov, and the practical part - at the 4th State Order of Lenin Red Banner Training Center for Aviation Personnel and Military tests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation named after V.P. Chkalov and the 344th State Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel (army aviation).

– What awaits the visitors of the MVTF "Army-2022" at the static Air Force exposition and what can be seen during the dynamic display? Are any new items expected?

– 20 units of Aerospace Forces aircraft (17 planes and three helicopters) have been planned to participate in the dynamic display. In order to increase entertainment at Kubinka airfield, the participation of aviation equipment of the Aero Club of the Air Force, the Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of Russia and aviation industry enterprises is planned.

On August 15, the opening day of the forum, a flight of long-range aircraft (Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3) will be performed over Kubinka Airfield, timed to the centennial anniversary of the creation of the Tupolev Design Bureau.

During the forum, performances of the aerobatics groups "Russian Knights", "Swifts" and the aerobatic group "First Flight" (on Yak-52 aircraft) will be held. The flight capabilities of the Mi-28N helicopter will be demonstrated. The audience will be shown a retrospective of air combat with the participation of the equipment of the aero club of the Air Force. The performance of the Honored Master of Sports of Russia Svetlana Kapanina on the EXTRA plane will take place.

In addition, the landing of parachutists from helicopters of army aviation will be carried out at the Alabino training ground.

About 30 samples of aviation equipment of the Aerospace Forces (20 aircraft and eight helicopters) will be exhibited at the static exposition.

In addition, 11 exhibits will be exhibited by enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

Modular sets of wearable NAZ with armor protection elements are being developed for the aircrew of army aviation

– Sergey Vladimirovich, we have already talked about the development of aviation technology, the pilot training system. And what can be said about the equipment of the flight crew? Is there any work being done to develop crew equipment, wearable emergency supplies, etc.?

– The work on improving the equipment of the flight-lifting personnel is a complex and painstaking process, the results of which significantly affect not only the ability to perform a combat mission, but also the preservation of the pilot's life.

In recent years, military scientific organizations and leading industrial enterprises have carried out a lot of work on the development and acceptance of new items of flight uniforms for supply. To date, it has increased operational characteristics and meets all modern requirements.

Work is continuing to improve the flight crew's wearable emergency reserve. An option is being worked out to include alternative models of automatic weapons in the kit of operational and tactical aviation pilots together with a swimming vehicle and a food group.

Modular sets of wearable NAZ with armor protection elements are being developed for the aircrew of army aviation. An unloading rescue system with a tactical belt and removable armor protection elements with the possibility of placing small arms, an updated medical and food group is considered as a promising option.

Work is being completed on the adoption of a new radio station with a hidden search and rescue system for crews, which ensures the prompt search for disaster-stricken crews.

– Sergey Vladimirovich, you can congratulate everyone involved on a professional holiday.

– Dear colleagues, combat friends, veterans!

For more than a century, our country has been proud of its Air Force. In the most difficult times of our Fatherland, the Air Force solved the tasks of ensuring the protection of the state from an attack by an external enemy, issues of anti-terrorist activities both inside Russia and abroad.

I sincerely congratulate you on the 110th anniversary of the Air Force! I wish you flying longevity, health to you and your loved ones, happiness, and success in your professional activities. Let the sky greet you with a cloudless blue and all flights invariably end with a soft and safe landing.

I especially want to congratulate the personnel participating in the special military operation. I want to thank you for what you are doing for the Motherland, giving a peaceful life to our people.

Thank you for your service, for your courage and valor. Honor and praise to you!

Happy holiday, dear friends, happy Air Force Day!

Alexander Pinchuk

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