
America begins a new battle for the ocean


The US Navy is preparing a plan to defeat the fleets of China and Russia

The return of the leading states to global confrontation is a fait accompli. One of the main participants in the new "geostrategic game" is the United States, which has promptly moved from the strategic concept of the "global war on terror" and countering "rogue states" to "rivalry with opponents of equal strength." By such opponents, Washington understands China and Russia today, which leaves an imprint on the nature and directions of America's military construction.

Within the framework of such a confrontation, the Naval Forces (Navy) are beginning to play a more significant role. They should shoulder a significant share of the tasks that the Pentagon intends to solve within the framework of non-nuclear deterrence of the PRC and the Russian Federation.


First of all, we are talking about surface forces that are of strategic importance for the successful forward deployment of deterrence forces of the United States and its allies.

But after the end of the Cold War, the personnel of American combat surface ships (BNCs) fought against terrorists, supported the Marines in operations "Fleet against the Coast" and did anything but prepare for war with a serious enemy in the oceans. Hence the decline in the level of professional and especially navigational training of seafarers. And quantitatively, surface forces have significantly decreased.

The return to the strategic confrontation with Beijing and Moscow required an urgent reorientation of the Navy to solve new, or rather, well-forgotten old tasks. A detailed plan to achieve superiority over the enemy in terms of the combat use of surface forces is set out in the document Surface Warfare: The Competitive Edge ("Combat operations of surface forces: competitive advantage"), which the commander of the Naval surface forces and the surface forces of the Pacific Fleet of the Navy, Vice Admiral Roy Kitchener, announced on January 11, 2022 as part of the next symposium of the Association of Surface Forces of the US Navy.

"The return of strategic rivalry is no longer news... – the admiral emphasizes. – The surface forces have accepted the challenge: we are getting more and more ships ready to solve combat tasks. Our ships are better armed and better connected to each other; staffing is gradually improving; our crews are being trained; there are still issues with spare parts and the work of warehouses, but the situation is improving. In turn, the plan for the modernization and improvement of surface forces will meet the needs of the fleet, which have a global character... The results are encouraging, but we still have a lot to do – and the scale of the tasks is impressive."


The document discusses measures to deter and conduct armed struggle, strategic imperatives of control over the sea, the projection of power and the ability to dominate the oceans, reveals the new architecture of the surface forces of the US Navy.

Against whom is the spearhead of the American Navy directed? The dots over the "i" are placed immediately. "Global competition with China and renewed tensions with Russia are the main strategic factors for naval planners. We are competing with a first-class naval force... whose reach extends far beyond territorial waters." The authors emphasize that the United States is "a global power with a bias towards the Pacific Ocean" and "supports security interests throughout the Indo-Pacific region, including alliances with five countries and close friendly relations with many others." So America's main enemy is clear – it's China.

"Taking into account China's increasingly aggressive position in the region, including excessive claims to the sea, the militarization of disputed maritime facilities (we are talking about the construction of military bases and points on disputed islands and reefs in the South China Sea and other seas. - V.S.), acts of intimidation at sea and harsh rhetoric about the reunification of Taiwan"the stability and security of the Indo-Pacific region are under pressure," the document says. – In order to protect the US economic and security interests in this region, support friendly countries and allies within the framework of existing treaties, as well as to respond to man-made crises and natural disasters, the United States supports military and naval power in the western Pacific, most of which consists of warships and sailors surface forces. These forces form the vanguard of conventional deterrence in the region, and this deterrence takes the form of forces and means designed to prevent limited aggression from the enemy, as well as second-tier forces and means designed to strengthen deterrence by threatening more powerful pressure."

However, it is not only China that disputes the achievement of full American dominance in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Our country is not forgotten either. "We are focusing our discussion in this document on China, while keeping in mind the unique and significant threats emanating from Russia," the document says. And it is emphasized that none of those who serve in the surface forces today have faced such complex threats that they will face in the next decade.


How exactly do the US Navy intend to resist the growing Chinese fleet, and at the same time the Russian fleet, which is actively reviving its ocean power?

First of all, we are talking about radical rearmament. Admirals will receive ten types of upgraded and new BNCs, including:

– nuclear multi-purpose aircraft carriers of the new generation of the Ford type;

– guided missile destroyers of the Zumwalt type (DDG-1000), which are planned to be armed in the near future with a certain complex with hypersonic surface–to-surface missiles, Arly Burke-type destroyers of the last third series (DDG-51 Flight III) and their upgraded "sister-spikes" of the second series (Flight IIA), as well as promising URO destroyers, which so far pass under the designation DDG(X);

– upgraded universal landing ship (UDC) of the San Antonio type and promising LAW (Light Amphibious Warship – light amphibious ship);

– modernized, heavily armed littoral combat ships (LBCs) of the Freedom and Independence types;

– URO frigates of a new generation (type "Constellation" / FFG-62, a large series is planned, the number of which may be increased due to the complication of the geopolitical situation in recent months);

– two types of unmanned BNCs – medium (Medium Unmanned Surface Vehicle – MUSV) and large (Large Unmanned Surface Vehicle – LUSV), including possibly subtypes of such "robots".

The Americans are also actively considering the possibility of creating a new URO cruiser, which should become a modern reincarnation of battleships.


But this is only half the battle. According to the admirals of the United States, in order to win in the oceans, it is necessary to improve the quality level of the Navy. For this purpose, five groups of activities have been developed – or "Lines of Effort" (Lines of Effort).

The first in importance of these areas is personnel. In the document it is called "Develop the Leader, Warrior, Mariner, and Manager" ("Develop a leader, warrior, sailor and manager"). The commander of the Naval surface Forces himself is responsible for it. "While we continue to introduce more and more complex technologies, the human factor remains central," the document emphasizes.

Within the framework of the direction, it is necessary to implement a number of measures:

– by April 1, 2022, the heads of the Command of the Schools for training officers in combat operations of surface forces and the Command for training the use of combat systems of surface ships had to prepare a ten–year plan to improve the professional level of surface forces personnel, primarily in tactical training, navigation and navigation, engineering and emergency rescue;

– by May 1, 2022, the head of the specialized Center for Research on the combat use of surface and mine weapons had to prepare a plan for a "Continuous cycle of combat training for conducting surface warfare," according to which, throughout the career of a surface force serviceman, his level of tactical and training skills, experience gained during his service, would be monitored;

– by March 1, 2023, the commander of the surface forces of the Atlantic Fleet, with the support of his colleague from the Pacific Fleet and the leadership of the Command of the Schools for training officers in combat operations of surface forces, should develop a program to provide feedback to officers and sailors (petty officers) throughout their careers and continuous improvement of their qualifications.

The main goal is to increase the level of competence of personnel, which is necessary for the successful conduct of combat operations in multi–domain operations of a new generation of wars.

The dominance of the United States in the world has always been ensured by naval forces. Issue of the U.S. Naval Academy Class. Photos from the website www.dvidshub.net


The second direction is to maintain the number of combat–ready ships and the degree of their combat readiness at the highest possible level ("Produce More Ready Ships"). The Commander of the Naval Surface Forces is also responsible for this. And the point, as the American naval commanders point out, is to take a fresh look at the fleet that they have at their disposal and use it with greater efficiency due to more reasonable planning.

The concept of "more combat-ready ships" requires forecasting maintenance and modernization requirements, timely entry and withdrawal of ships from maintenance periods, more frequent and shorter maintenance and modernization periods, effective planning, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to "determine what readiness means." And consider certification schemes that ensure sufficient combat effectiveness and safety, "without limiting surface forces to a single concept of readiness." It is also necessary to improve "the processes of supplying spare parts, including those that should be carried directly on board ships, and those that should be stored in strategic reserves," etc.

In this regard, it is envisaged:

– by June 1, 2022, the head of the Naval Systems Command had to develop an action plan to improve the quality of maintenance, repair and modernization of the BNC for the timely transfer of ships to the fleet and reduce the time for their repair and modernization, as well as the growth of the capabilities of the shipbuilding industry;

– by July 1, 2022, the special assistant of the Commander of the Naval surface forces for data analysis should present a Strategy for data collection and planning of surface Forces analytics to increase the level of interaction between enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex in order to increase the number of combat-ready BNCs;

– by December 1, 2022, the head of the Navy Supply Systems Command should develop a plan to maintain the combat readiness of the existing fleet forces, including a list of critical spare parts, and the Navy Personnel Command, together with the Fleet Forces Command, should calculate the personnel requirements in light of the requirements of the Optimized Navy Presence Support Plan.

The Navy Command intends to give the shipyards and suppliers of the second and third levels the status of national assets ("national assets" or "national treasure"), and then monitor their financial and economic situation to prevent the loss of the production base "at the most inopportune time."


The next direction is "achieving excellence in the Fleet" (Achieve Excellence in Fleet). The commander of the surface forces of the Atlantic Fleet is responsible for it. The task is to increase the capabilities of surface forces through the introduction of new BNCs and taking into account lessons learned over the past half century.

"Our ability to fight and win is becoming more complicated due to the aging of surface forces," the document says. – However, we are not talking about replacing the "hulls" on the principle of "one to one"... We are creating a new architecture of surface forces, in which there are more smaller ships distributed over a wider geographical area. The degree of complexity of ships and systems is unprecedented for such a short time period."

Over the next ten years, in addition to the BNCs described above, the fleet intends to receive a number of new ship armament systems. Among them: new-generation radar systems (AN/SPY-6 and its variants); new electronic warfare systems (SEWIP Block III program); means of combating enemy control systems, communications, computer systems, cyber warfare and intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting systems; high-power combat laser systems, new shipboard integrated power plants, etc.

To do this, it is planned:

– by September 1, 2022, the Director of the Department of Maintenance, Modernization and Logistics of the BNC Navy will prepare a plan for the commissioning of a number of BNCs into the fleet, first of all, upgraded Arly Burke–type EM URO (DDG 51 FLTIII), FR URO of the Constellation type, a promising light amphibious LAW ship, upgraded UDC type "San Antonio", a promising EM URO of the DDG(X) type and several types of unmanned BNCs;

– by June 1, 2022, the commander of the surface forces of the Pacific Fleet, together with the Command of Naval Systems, had to assess the feasibility of reviewing the actions of the transfer teams in order to ensure a smooth transition of surface forces to new BNCs.

At the same time, third–party specialists should evaluate all the main components of PESTONI (Personnel, Equipment, Supply, Training, Ordnance, Networks, and Infrastructure - personnel, equipment, supplies, training, ammunition, networks and infrastructure).

"We take into account the lessons learned over the past more than 50 years from the successes and problems of various shipbuilding programs... Historical lessons will be applied to new ship designs so that the required standards for increasing the service life of ships and their characteristics allow for more frequent modernization and improvement of basic capabilities throughout the life of the ship."

The next strategic direction is the "creation of clear and Innovative Operational concepts" (Create Clear and Innovative Operational Concepts), for which the head of the Center for Research on the Combat Use of Surface and Mine Weapons of the Navy is responsible. For this purpose, it is provided:

– by March 1, 2022, the head of the Center for Research on the Combat Use of Surface and Mine Weapons of the Navy, in cooperation with the Command of the Navy personnel, had to develop an action plan to increase the capacity of the training program for instructors in combat tactics, and by June 1, he also had to work out options for actions in order to bring the positions of customers and developers as close as possible.

Within the framework of the minimum program, in particular, it is assumed: a) integrate the training program for instructors in combat tactics into the system of specialized "thematic" naval commands and departments for managing programs for the creation of samples of naval weapons and equipment; b) develop a roadmap for the Tomahawk Naval Strike program (a new anti-ship version of this cruise missile), as well as "roadmaps" for all future programs of naval weapons and systems; c) to develop promising concepts of warfare (development of hypersonic missile weapons, combat use of naval combat groups, introduction of unmanned BNCs into combat formations, etc.).

Finally, by October 1, 2022, the head of this Center should develop an operational plan to centralize the development of the concept of surface warfare and tactical/operational innovations and experiments at reasonable security levels.

"We will no longer first deploy weapons and equipment, and only then force surface forces to decide how to use them," the document says.


Within the framework of the fifth direction, it is planned to "create infrastructure for the surface forces of the future." Namely: improving the infrastructure of the command and control of surface forces, the physical infrastructure of surface forces and the "development infrastructure" to support the development and improvement processes. The heads of the Expeditionary (OPNAV N95) and Surface (OPNAV N96) warfare departments of the Department of the Minister of the Navy have been appointed responsible.

It is planned to carry out the following activities:

– until April 1, 2022, the head of the Surface warfare department had to submit an operational plan for an integrated combat system (ICS). The plan should determine how the evolutionary transition will be made from combat systems and software with an individual focus on individual BNCs, to the introduction of ICS, created with an emphasis on interaction between all BNCs. The head of another department, the head of the integrated combat systems program, should develop a roadmap for the creation of an integrated ICS for the next ten years based on this plan;

– by June 1, 2022, the special assistant to the commander of the Naval surface forces for data analysis had to prepare a ten-year plan of work on artificial intelligence (AI), which is carried out by the specialists of the Hopper task force, including a roadmap for creating a digital infrastructure compatible with the developments of other task forces on the topic of AI;

– by December 1, 2022, the heads of the Command of Naval Systems and the Coastal Command of the Navy, the commander of the surface forces of the Atlantic Fleet and other officials must prepare a ten-year roadmap with the needs of the infrastructure of the surface forces of the new generation of the Navy (coastal test sites, training systems, etc.);

– By March 1, 2023, the head of the Fleet Readiness and Logistics Support Department (OPNAV N4) should prepare a "road map" on measures to ensure the expeditionary forces deployed in advanced areas, repair and resupply capabilities.

"The surface forces of the future will require a significant modernization of infrastructure and a rethinking of how we define this infrastructure itself. The traditional infrastructure (berths, mooring front support services and buildings/warehouses) to support the activities of ships, auxiliary vessels and crews will be recapitalized after decades of underinvestment," the document says.

This will require enormous resources, a realistic assessment of which American experts are not yet ready to even estimate approximately. The navy invested more than $5 billion in navigation simulators, navigation skills simulators and tactical training simulators for surface forces in 2013-2021 alone, and this was not enough. But there is still a need for the introduction of a fully digital infrastructure. And also in the coastal infrastructure for new types of BNCs, including robotic and built using artificial intelligence and machine learning systems.

Thus, the Command of the surface forces sets tasks on the successful completion of which the ability of the American fleet depends not only to win in the vastness of the World Ocean, but at least not to lose with a crushing score. American admirals understand this. "This document prescribes actions leading to the goal, thereby providing our ships and crews with the tools they need,– Vice Admiral Kitchener emphasizes. "Together we will remove the obstacles and overcome the barriers that hinder our success."


Summarizing the above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion. Today we have witnessed how a new stage of the centuries–old battle for the Ocean begins to unfold in the Washington–Moscow-Beijing triangle.

The Russian military and political leadership understands this very well. Thus, during the meeting of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation held on May 20, 2022 in St. Petersburg under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, a draft of a new version of the Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation was considered. It has been prepared taking into account the changes in the geopolitical and military-strategic situation that have occurred in the world in recent years, as well as taking into account the military-doctrinal documents adopted in the Russian Federation since the approval of the previous Naval Doctrine (2015).

In turn, the Chinese military and political leadership continues to implement the strategic concept of "Three Lines of Islands". According to this concept, by 2050, the Chinese Navy should ensure its ability to operate freely primarily on the Aleutian Islands – Hawaiian Islands – Oceania countries. And also have the ability to solve a wide range of tasks in a huge water area – up to the southern part of the Bay of Bengal, the central and northern parts of the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa.

Active efforts are being made to develop all components of the Chinese Navy – from submarine forces to aircraft carriers. Already in the foreseeable future, the Chinese fleet will be replenished with a third aircraft carrier, and the time is not so far away when the admirals of the Celestial Empire will receive the first nuclear floating airfield at their disposal. At the same time, Chinese strategists plan to smash aircraft carriers and other large BNCs of the enemy with anti-ship ballistic missiles, for which a special polygon has been built in a desert area. And, judging by satellite images, the rocket men of the People's Liberation Army of China have achieved excellent success, and their accuracy is excellent.

How the new period of global confrontation will end in the vastness of the World Ocean, even the most courageous analyst cannot predict today. Although no, the Americans are already trying – their profile publications are filled with articles about how the American fleet is losing the battle at sea to the Chinese fleet.

Vladimir Shcherbakov

Deputy Executive Editor of HBO

Vladimir Leonidovich Shcherbakov is a military expert, historian, and writer.

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