
Sweden acquires two aircraft of the Saab GlobalEye AWACS and control complex


On June 30, 2022, the Swedish defense procurement agency Försvarets Materielverk (FMV) signed a contract with the Saab AB group worth 7.3 billion Swedish kronor ($716 million) for the acquisition of two aircraft of the GlobalEye long-range radar detection and control complex for the Swedish Air Force, made on the basis of a large Bombardier Global 6000 administrative aircraft and equipped with a radar complex Saab Erieye ER. The contract includes an option for two more such aircraft.

The third aircraft of the Saab GlobalEye long-range radar detection and control complex built for the United Arab Emirates, made on the basis of a large Bombardier Global 6000 administrative aircraft and equipped with the Saab Erieye ER radar complex (temporary Swedish registration SE-RMU, factory number 9787), 2020 (c) Saab AB

Both new aircraft of the Saab GlobalEye AWACS and control complex should be delivered to the Swedish Air Force in 2027 and will receive the official Swedish designation S 106. These new aircraft (two ordered and two optional) should replace the two Swedish Air Force AWACS and control aircraft S 100D Argus - Saab turboprop aircraft that have been in operation since the late 1980s 340 with the first-generation Erieye radar system.

The Swedish Air Force thus became the second customer after the United Arab Emirates of the Saab GlobalEye AWACS and control complex aircraft, previously designated Swing Role Surveillance System (SRSS), and representing a new generation of the well-known Saab Erieye radar system, with a new more powerful Erieye ER (Extended Range) radar with AFAR with gallium nitride antenna elements. The GlobalEye aircraft is also equipped with an additional Leonardo Seaspray 7500E maritime target detection radar with AFAR in the ventral fairing, an electron-optical round-the-clock Star SAFIRE 380-HD system, a HES-21 radio and radio intelligence complex, an automatic ship identification system (AIS), an on-board defense complex. Thus, the GlobalEye aircraft is capable of conducting comprehensive reconnaissance and illumination of the situation, both aerial, surface and ground. According to Saab, the duration of GlobalEye's continuous patrol reaches 13 hours.

The UAE was the starting customer of the Saab GlobalEye AWACS and control complex, which in November 2015 signed the first contract worth $ 1.27 billion with Saab AB for the supply of two GlobalEye aircraft, and in 2017 signed an additional contract for the supply of a third complex. All these three aircraft were delivered to the UAE Air Force in 2020-2021.

On December 30, 2020, Saab AB signed a contract with the United Arab Emirates for the supply of two more aircraft of the GlobalEye AWACS and control complex in the amount of $ 1.018 billion. Aircraft on it should be delivered to the UAE in 2025.

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