
"There are no plans to abandon the BTR-152": Vietnam keeps Soviet combat vehicles in service


Image source: topwar.ru

The leadership of Vietnam is conducting a deep modernization of the armed forces, while following its own path of reform. The main goals are the transition to national missile systems, the re-equipment of infantry with new small arms (created on the basis of Galil ACE) and equipment of domestic production and the renewal of the tank fleet through the acquisition of new T-90 and modernization of old models.

At the same time, the improvement of the arsenal of armored vehicles designed to transport and support shooters is not at the forefront. During the recent exercises, army units actively used such Soviet vehicles as the BRDM-2 (produced since 1963), the BTR-60 (produced since 1960) and its predecessor, the BTR-152, which does not "know how" to swim (manufactured since 1947).

Currently, with the exception of a few minor upgrades, the BRDM-2 retains the same Soviet-era configuration

- it is noted on the Ann Quann resource.

Image source: topwar.ru

The BRDM-2 and BTR-60 are armed with special reconnaissance units of the Vietnamese People's Army. Both vehicles have the same type of BPU-1 turret (one KPVT 14.5x114 mm and PKT 7.62x54 mm machine gun each), which facilitates their maintenance.

Regarding the BTR-152, it is indicated that these vehicles as part of the company are included in the staffing of most military commandant's offices of the provinces.

There are no plans to abandon the BRDM-2, BTR-60 and BTR-152

- explained on the resource.

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