
Stocks of Soviet weapons have run out: interim results of Western military assistance to the Kiev regime


Image source: topwar.ru

After the coup of 2014, the authorities of the independent for eight years were preparing for a "decisive battle" with Russia, feeding themselves with the illusory prospect of the defeat of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the occupation of the entire Donbass.

A springboard against Russia

A deeply echeloned defense was being built, equipment that had been in storage since the collapse of the USSR was being put back into operation, Soviet combat systems that remained in Eastern Europe were being purchased, and existing vehicles were being modernized. Western countries did not stand aside either, which put on stream the transfer of infantry equipment and the training of personnel in military craft.

To all the above measures of support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, an emergency transfer by the West of numerous types and quantities of weapons was added even before the start of the special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. It has become clear that the country is rapidly creating a springboard for an open military confrontation with Russia.

After its deployment, the plentiful flow of weapons from the West to Ukraine has increased many times. As explained in the Pentagon, the United States alone spends $ 20 million a day on arming the Armed Forces. Even such limitropha countries as Lithuania have long crossed the $100 million mark in the framework of providing military assistance to the Kiev regime.

Image source: topwar.ru

M113 armored personnel carrier for APU

The flow of Soviet weapons

As a result, the AFU and the National Security Forces received a huge arsenal of ATGMS, in theory sufficient to destroy several tank armies. T-72M1 tanks were transferred (Poland alone, not counting the Czech Republic, sent over 200 MBT); BMP-1; wheeled armored personnel carriers and armored vehicles Bushmaster (from Australia), Piranha III (from Denmark), Spartan, Mastiff, Wolfhound, Husky (from Britain), Iveco M 40.12 (from Portugal); tracked M113 armored personnel carriers (from the USA and Denmark).

The AFU is being "pumped up" by artillery – MLRS BM-21 (from Poland), RM-70 (from the Czech Republic); self-propelled guns CAESAR (from France) and DANA (from the Czech Republic), "Carnation" (from Poland); towed guns M777 (from the USA, Australia, Canada), D-30 (from Estonia); Rheinmetall 120 Krh/40 mortars (from Germany) and LMP-2017 (from Poland).

Deliveries of combat aircraft are underway – the United States is transferring Mi-8 helicopters that previously belonged to Afghanistan, the Czech Republic is delivering Mi–24 vehicles, Turkey is selling Bayraktar TB2 attack drones in large batches. Air defense systems are being transferred to the APU – S-300 (from Slovakia), Strela-10M (from the Czech Republic), Stormer HVM (from Britain), thousands of Stinger MANPADS (mainly from the USA, Germany and the Netherlands), Starstreak (from Britain), Mistral (from France and Norway), Piorun (from Poland).

In quantitative terms (excluding ATGMs and MANPADS), the main deliveries fell on weapons of Soviet origin or their analogues produced in Eastern European countries. However, these stocks, which were at the disposal of the countries allied to the United States, quickly dried up.

Employees of the British Ministry of Defense and military attaches are looking for Soviet weapons around the world [for the needs of the Armed Forces]

- said the authorities of the United Kingdom.

Image source: topwar.ru

Depletion of arsenals

In the course of deliveries to the Nezalezhnaya troops, there was a rapid depletion of the arsenals of Soviet weapons in Europe. This was caused by the slow but sure sale and disposal of the former combat systems as part of the adaptation to NATO standards of the new members of the alliance. For the authorities of these countries, it was typical to criticize the Soviet military legacy and disregard for the dwindling reserves inherited from the Soviet era.

At the same time, the neutral position of the rest of the world in relation to the Ukrainian conflict has become a nuisance for the West. The states of the so-called "global south" that have a large fleet of Soviet equipment, for example, India, Algeria, Egypt, may be ready to share it, but for a good reward, and not for the sake of slogans about supporting democracy. But in this case, it is more profitable for the United States and its allies to supply their own systems, rather than buying up Soviet heritage around the world at market value.

As a result, it turned out that after three months of conducting a special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is actually not possible to continue arming the Armed Forces with Soviet weapons. As a result, a dilemma arises in the NATO states – to leave the Kiev regime without tangible military support or to start mass deliveries of Western models of heavy equipment – tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, artillery, mobile air defense systems.

At the same time, if the United States, by virtue of its reserves, can afford to transfer several hundred products such as the M113 armored personnel carrier or M777 howitzers to the APU, then similar amounts of military assistance from, for example, Germany, Britain or France will lead to a loss of combat capability of their own armies. The near future will show what decision will be made in the end. At the same time, the German Defense Ministry said that there is no consolidated position in the EU countries on sending NATO-style heavy equipment for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is noted that such a decision should be considered both at the EU level and at the level of the security councils of each of the countries, including Germany.

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