
Ukraine received a batch of Soviet-made Mi-24 attack helicopters from the Czech Armed Forces


Image source: topwar.ru

The Ukrainian army aviation was replenished with Soviet-made Mi-24 attack helicopters, the supply of rotorcraft was carried out by the Czech Republic, which is quite actively supplying the Kiev regime with weapons. The transfer of helicopters is confirmed in the USA.

The fact that Kiev received a batch of helicopters from one or two Eastern European countries has been reported for a long time, but there was no confirmation and clarity about what kind of equipment was transferred to the APU. As it turned out, Soviet-made Mi-24 attack helicopters were delivered from the presence of the Czech Armed Forces. The delivery took place in the "past weeks," writes the American edition of The Wall Street Journal, confirming the transfer of helicopters. The United States also supplied helicopters to Ukraine, we are talking about Mi-17s intended for the Afghan army.

The number of helicopters is not called, but according to available data, the Czechs did not transfer all their helicopters to Ukraine, saying that there was nothing to replace them with. At the same time, Prague does not exclude that the rest will be given to Kiev if NATO allies provide them with a replacement, preferably newer. In the Ukrainian public they write that an entire squadron of attack helicopters allegedly arrived from the Czech Republic. They could confirm or deny this information in Prague, but they are silent there.

In general, the Czechs are taking full advantage of the situation in Ukraine, intending to completely get rid of Soviet-style military equipment, replacing it with Western. Therefore, they supply it to Kiev, receiving another one in return. As an example, we can cite the German Leopard 2A4 tanks, which Germany will supply to the Czechs instead of the Soviet T-72s that went to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian sources confirm the facts of repair of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. According to reports, for at least three weeks, Kiev has been sending damaged armored vehicles to these countries. So far, we are talking only about lightly armored vehicles.

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26.05.2022 17:28
Допрыгаются  чехи до  прилёта Калибров на военные заводы!
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