
The latest MZKT-7415 tractors were spotted at the Allied Determination exercises

Image source: ВоенТВ Беларуси / youtube.com

In the joint Russian-Belarusian operational exercises "Allied Resolve-2022", units equipped with multi-axle wheeled tractors played a significant role in the relocation of the military equipment involved to the landfills.

According to VoenTV of Belarus, along with the proven long-term operation of the MAZ-537, the new MZKT-7415, adopted only at the beginning of this year, were used for the first time.

With their help, more than 300 tracked vehicles, including BMD-2, BMD-4M, BTR-MDM "Shell", 2S9 "Nona-S" were transferred from the Osipovichi training ground to the area of combat training tasks in the Gomel region.

The first information about the creation of a four-wheel drive tractor MZKT-7415 appeared just two years ago. Then it was reported that a car with a semi-trailer-heavy truck MZKT-720100-010 can be operated on all types of roads and explored terrain. At the same time, he is not afraid of 45-degree frosts and 50-degree heat.

While driving off-road, a tire air pressure control system is provided, which makes it possible to overcome impassable areas.

The eight-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine with a gas turbine boost TMZ 84632.10 with a capacity of 525 hp has an electronic control system and a preheater. An automatic fire extinguishing system is installed in the engine compartment.

The maximum speed of a single tractor is 70 km/h, as part of a road train with a gross weight of 93,500 kg - up to 65 km/h.

Comfort in the cabin is provided by a climate system capable of warming or cooling the air, as well as working in ventilation mode.

In addition, there is a filter ventilation unit that allows you to operate in conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The equipment can be loaded using a double-drum winch with a length of 60 meters with a maximum pulling force of 200 kN on each drum.

Alexey Moiseev

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