
In the USA, the Russian MiG was confused with an American fighter

Image source: Павел Львов / РИА Новости

In the USA, the MiG-29 fighter was confused with the American F-16 and F-15. The image of the Russian plane decorated a billboard in the California city of Santa Monica.

According to the Fox News channel, on the eve of the final match of the American football League NFL between the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals, a flight of a group of US Air Force aircraft was to take place. The Mayor's office of Santa Monica announced this on a billboard and on the official Twitter page.

However, aviation experts saw the image of a Russian fighter jet on it and left sarcastic comments.

"Oops. This is a Russian Mig-29 fighter," Rob Phillip wrote. Another Twitter user suggested that the designers are ignorant in the military sphere, and some joked that the residents of California welcome the flights of the Russian Air Force in the US sky.

Due to the close attention of users of social networks, the administration of the city of Santa Monica forced to delete the post on Twitter.

It should be noted that last year the command of the US Air Force congratulated American pilots on Air Force Day with the image of Russian Su-27 fighters. And in April, Mississippi Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith sent an image of a Su-34 bomber to the US Air Force Reserve Command. In 2020, Trump's campaign headquarters used a photo with a MiG-29 and a Kalashnikov assault rifle, and in 2019, Congressman Brian Mast congratulated the US Navy with a photo of the Peter the Great missile cruiser.

Nikolay Grishchenko

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