Image source: vestnik-rm.ru
The Mozdok airbase in February 1995 was remembered for the presence of a larger number of troops belonging to various departments. Su-25 attack aircraft, rotary-wing combat and transport Mi-24 and Mi-8 take off and land every now and then.
Near the giant four-engine strategic bomber Tu-95, which has become a monument, the internal troops are located, lined up their camouflaged BTR-80. Somewhere nearby you can see the tents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Literally a hundred meters away, one of the BMP-1P motorized rifles got stuck in the mud and another infantry fighting vehicle following it rested its sharp nose against its stern and literally pushed it out of the trap.
Immediately, the tankers slowly take out the elements of dynamic protection from the ZIL-131 kung and attach it over the armor of their T-7B2 shining with fresh paint, who arrived here literally a day before.
Next to the tanks, large two-link all-terrain vehicles froze. Previously, they had to be seen only in pictures. This is a DT-30 "Vityaz". They are more associated with the tundra, the Arctic and impassable swamps. What does this technique do here in the south of Russia?
It's simple, in the period of impassable local thaw, who but the "thirties" can quickly deliver ammunition and other military property without interruptions.
According to the stories of the fighters, they regularly make flights to Chechnya, however, as one of them admits, he is already tired and he wants the ground to dry up completely as soon as possible, and they were returned to their permanent locations. It was not possible to finish - they need to get ready for the road again. The troops smashing the militants constantly need to be fed.
Lev Romanov