
The protective structures of the Novorossiysk Naval Base are among the five largest hydraulic engineering facilities in the world

Image source: bastion-opk.ru

TSAMTO, December 23. The commander of the Novorossiysk Naval Base (NVMB) of the Black Sea Fleet (Black Sea Fleet), Rear Admiral Viktor Kochemazov, summing up the results of 2021, reported on the current state of the unification forces.

So, at the moment, the base already includes six newest diesel-electric submarines, coastal missile systems "Bal" and "Bastion", modern patrol ships of project 22160: the lead patrol boat "Vasily Bykov", serial - "Dmitry Rogachev" and "Pavel Derzhavin". The fourth ship of this project "Sergey Kotov" is currently undergoing state tests.

Also, the commander of the NWMB noted the results of hydraulic engineering works that were carried out on the territory of the base within the framework of the Federal Target Program.

"A system of protective jetties has already been created: the eastern jetty with a length of 1400 m has been put into operation, and right now the construction of the western jetty with a length of 850 m is being completed," V. Kochemazov said.

At the same time, V. Kochemazov stressed that the built system of protective structures of the base ensures complete safety of the parking of ships and vessels under all unfavorable hydrometeorological conditions. And the indicators of this system (the depth of the protective breakwaters is up to 27 m, their length is up to 2.5 km) place it in the top five of the largest hydraulic engineering facilities in the world.

"Currently, the Novorossiysk base has five berths, it is capable of receiving more than 100 modern warships with a displacement of 1.5 to 30 thousand tons," said the commander of the NWMB.

V. Kochemazov also said that a total of 26 buildings and structures of coastal infrastructure have been built and put into operation in the framework of this program in the association, including the only advanced Afalina training complex in the Navy, as well as the Hephaestus UTK, the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports.

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