
Tests of the bi-caliber sniper rifle "Devastator" have started in Russia

Image source: РИА Новости

Russian specialists have started testing the DXL-5 "Devastator" rifle. It can use two types of cartridges — NATO .50 BMG (12.7 by 99 millimeters) and Russian 12.7 by 108 millimeters. High accuracy and targeted firing range allow it to fight enemy snipers with its help.

Lobaev Arms is well known in Russia and abroad as a developer of modern sniper rifles with extremely high accuracy.

Recently, the family was replenished with a new model - the DXL-5 "Devastator" bi-caliber sniper rifle. Today it became known about the beginning of testing of the complex. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the chief designer of the Lobaev Arms enterprise Vladislav Lobaev.

"The Ravager"

Image source: RIA Novosti

The weight of the rifle is 13 kilograms. It can use two types of barrels - for a NATO cartridge .50 BMG (12.7 by 99 millimeters) and domestic 12.7 by 108 millimeters. Thanks to this modularity, the "Devastator" is able to perform a wider range of tasks than other sniper weapons. This, among other things, significantly increases its export prospects.

"The Ravager"

Image Source: Lobaev Arms

The DXL-5 has a firing accuracy of 0.5 arcminutes. Thus, the rifle surpasses many foreign analogues in this indicator. The sighting range of the complex is 2300 meters. Together with the highest accuracy, this makes it possible to conduct an anti-sniper struggle.

The rifle was equipped with a damping device on the butt, which reduces the effect of recoil during firing. According to the creators, the "Devastator" is seen not only as a weapon, but also as a "laboratory" for testing new calibers. It is assumed that they will provide unique indicators of firing range.

Back in 2015, Vladislav Lobaev set a record for a shooting range of 3,200 meters. He used the SVLK-14 "Twilight" rifle created by Lobaev Arms. Two years later, she set a new world record: a square target measuring one by one meter was hit at a range of 4210 meters.

Recall that in September it became known about the completion of tests of the Chukavin sniper rifle (microwave), which should replace the outdated Soviet SVD. Microwave is considered as a new generation weapon that allows hitting single targets with the first shot at a range of up to one kilometer.


Image source: RIA Novosti/Alexey Nikolsky

The development of new sniper weapons is also being carried out in Ukraine. Back in 2016, the characteristics of the STL–016 rifle were declassified, which received the nickname "Armata-killer" in the Network.

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