
A submarine was brought into the underground complex in Balaklava for the first time in 30 years

Image source: rg.ru

The submarine S-49 of the 633RV project was brought into the underground channel of the Balaklava Museum complex today. After being installed in the dry dock, it will become part of the museum exhibition.

The submarine was delivered to the museum by sailors of the Black Sea Fleet. Towing from the Southern Bay of Sevastopol began today at 7 am. At about 15 o'clock in the afternoon, the tugs brought the submarine into Balaklava Bay. At 15:50, they began to pull her into the underground channel with a winch, and about 17 hours they moored her at the mooring wall of the underground complex. The operation to install the boat in the museum's dry dock is scheduled for Saturday, November 13.

- Object 825 GTS accepted such submarines for repair and maintenance, now museum visitors will be able to see it with their own eyes. This is a huge event for us," said Pavel Plekhanov, director of the Balaklava Underground Museum Complex. - A lot of preparatory work was carried out to start the boat, today everything went according to plan, the specialists worked perfectly.

The S-49 will be installed in a dry dock, where submarines were repaired during the Soviet years. According to the director, there are plans to conduct excursions inside the submarine, but preparation for them may take several years.

Yulia Krymova (Sevastopol)

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