
Volvo has built the world's first self-driving truck from "ecostal"


Drone Truck

Two months ago, in August 2021, the first batch of " environmentally friendly steel " arrived at the Volvo plant, and the other day the first vehicle was made from it. Thus, the company demonstrated its commitment to the chosen course, according to which by 2050 all its production will be transferred to the use of new material. Volvo became the first organization in the world to master its application for practical purposes.

Ecostal, or as it is more correctly called "steel obtained without the use of fossil raw materials and energy from it", is produced by SSAB. This is a material identical to conventional steel for the needs of mechanical engineering, but only specially prepared iron will be used instead of iron ore, coal is replaced with coke and hydrogen, and all energy comes from renewable sources. SSAB plans to start mass production of eco-steel at the new plant, which is currently under construction, by 2026. The first vehicle turned out to be very symbolic, as it is intended for work in the mining industry, where it will carry raw materials, from which new batches of eco-steel will then be made. Small-scale production of such machines will begin in 2022, there is no talk of large-scale production yet. Volvo emphasizes that they are not going to abandon high-quality steel, but they want to influence its production methods by making them more "green".

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