
In Serbia, the Soviet Strela-10M anti-aircraft system was made inconspicuous

Image source: Фото: @ZoranVukosavlje

The Soviet anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) "Strela-10M" was modernized. At the international exhibition of armaments and military equipment "Partner-2021" in Serbia, a new version of the SAM was shown, which was made inconspicuous. This is reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The combat vehicle of the complex was equipped with a passive radar that detects aerial targets by their own radiation. This reduced the visibility of the SAM on the battlefield for enemy detection means.

The standard sighting complex of the combat vehicle has given way to a new device with a laser rangefinder and a thermal imaging channel. The SAM was also equipped with an upgraded 9M37M missile. This expanded the affected area in height and range.

The publication notes that the Serbian military has a small number of Strela-10M air defense systems. Probably, the upgraded complex is designed for foreign customers.

In early October, the ships of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy went on exercises in the Sea of Japan. As RIA Novosti reported, during the training firing, the crews had to work out the use of anti-aircraft missile systems "Fort", "Osa" and "Dagger".

In September, it became known about the work on the modernization of the Tor air defense system. Fanil Ziyatdinov, Director General of the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol, told TASS that the work is aimed at improving the combat characteristics of the complex.

Daniil Irinin

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