
The Strela-10M anti-aircraft missile system was made inconspicuous

Image source: rg.ru

At the 10th International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment "Partner-2021" held in Belgrade, a Serbian version of the modernization of the Strela-10M anti-aircraft missile system of the military air defense was presented.

As reported, the combat vehicle received a new sighting system with a thermal imager, a laser rangefinder and a passive radar capable of detecting various enemy aircraft by their own radiation.

As a result of the measures taken, the SAM has become less noticeable on the battlefield for enemy detection means, and, accordingly, it is now much more difficult to disable it.

Also, the 9M37M missile was modified, after which the possibility of hitting the target increased in range, it now began to be 10000 meters, and in height - 5000 meters.

According to military experts, these developments in the modernization of the "dozen" are focused on foreign customers.

The Serbian army is currently armed with only a small amount of such equipment.

The Russian ground and airborne troops have adopted the improved Strela-10NM, capable of covertly shooting down enemy planes, helicopters, and drones with new missiles with three-mode homing heads. These complexes have performed well at the recent strategic exercises "West-2021".

Alexey Brusilov

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