
What is missing from the T-72 tanks, which will defend themselves from the aggression of the Taliban


Image source: Photo: Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan

In recent weeks, due to the sharp aggravation of the situation in Afghanistan, the military states bordering this "hot spot" have conducted a series of unplanned military exercises. They involved a large number of various military equipment, including tanks.

As a rule, T-72s of various modifications operated at the landfills, the most modern of them were the "seventy-second" modernized in Uzbekistan, which received built-in dynamic tower protection, reinforced overhanging shelves, aft lattice screens.

The car has become more protected, but it does not have a mandatory attribute for every modern tank - a thermal imager. Thanks to it, the gunner-operator, for example, will be able to detect militants with portable anti-tank weapons hiding in the vegetation. According to military experts, this is very important in the context of a counter-terrorist war, not to mention fighting at night, when outdated infrared devices are ineffective.

The presence of thermal imagers on tanks and other samples of equipment will significantly increase the capabilities of units in the fight against gangs, if they dare to arrange provocations at the borders.

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