
Omsk Transmash sent the first batch of unique tanks to the troops

Image source: Омсктрансмаш

Omsk Plant of Transport Engineering has sent the customer the first batch of T-80BVM tanks this year. The combat vehicles were manufactured as part of the execution of the state defense order.

For the first time, the combat vehicle passed summer tests with the passage of a water barrier. For this purpose, an artificial reservoir was built at the Omsktransmash landfill. In addition, the tank was tested for reliability at a distance of five thousand kilometers. All tests for the quality, condition of systems and mechanisms, compliance of combat vehicles with the declared technical characteristics were successfully passed.

- The implementation of the state defense order is a priority direction of the enterprise. The T-80BVM has proven itself perfectly. The machine has an undeniable advantage in operation at low temperatures. This year we have proved that it is combat-ready in any other conditions, " said Igor Lobov, General Director of Omsktransmash.

Omsktransmash is the only manufacturer of the T-80 modification. Unique Russian tanks with a T-80BVM gas turbine engine, which are undergoing modernization at the Omsk enterprise, are already serving in different parts of our country.

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The T-80BVM tank is an improved version of the T-80BV tank developed by Omsktransmash JSC with increased basic combat qualities: firepower, security and maneuverability. The multi-channel gunner's sight has been significantly changed in the tank. The combat vehicle has been delivered to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation since 2019.

Svetlana Sibina (Omsk)

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