
The Americans started assembling the first modernized long-range howitzers M109A7

Image source: Picatinny Arsenal / Youtube

The US Army has begun the final assembly of the first four upgraded M109A7 self-propelled howitzers with increased range. According to Janes, the military plans to use at least one of them during the Convergence project exercises in November.

In the mid-2010s, the US launched the ERCA program (Extended Range Canon Artillery, barrel artillery of increased range). It involves increasing the range and accuracy of artillery and missile systems. To do this, the military is going to both modernize existing weapons and develop new ones.

As part of the ERCA in 2019, BAE Systems undertook the modernization of the M109A7 self-propelled howitzer. Its task was to modify the howitzer turret and replace the standard 155 mm caliber barrel with a length of 39 calibers with a length of 58 calibers (8.9 meters). This increased the firing range from 30 to 70 kilometers.

The zero prototype of the howitzer called XM1299 was tested last year. The howitzer launched three 155-millimeter guided projectiles of the extended range M982 Excalibur. The last of them hit the target at a distance of 70 kilometers.

US Army Brigadier John Rafferty told Janes on July 9 that the final assembly of the first four upgraded M109A7 self-propelled howitzers has already begun at the Picatinny Arsenal military research base. At least one of them will be ready by November and will take part in the Convergence project exercises.

For long-range artillery, new guidance means will be needed. Earlier, we wrote that the US army is going to use satellite data for observation and accurate guidance of artillery on targets.

Vasilisa Chernyavtseva

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