
The upgraded rescue vehicle AS-28 was tested in the Black Sea

Image source: Георгий Зимарев/РИА Новости

The crew of the world's oldest ship "Commune" of the Black Sea Fleet (it traces its history back to the Imperial Russian Navy) successfully tested the underwater inhabited search and rescue vehicle AS-28 at sea.

At one of the naval training grounds, it was launched. Then the vehicle moved away from the carrier vessel to the dive point and went to the specified depth. There, the AC-28 team checked the stability of the communication with the "Commune" and worked out the algorithm for laying on the ground.

This was the first test of the search and rescue vehicle at sea after its planned repair and modernization. Last year, the "Gunner Ship Repair Plant" in St. Petersburg installed modern traffic control systems, updated audio-underwater communication equipment and a new video surveillance system on the AS-28. The Black Sea Fleet is not the only one in our Navy where the fleet of search and rescue equipment is being modernized and updated. In November 2020, the commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Nikolai Evmenov, said, in particular, that work is underway to create next-generation deep-sea rescue vehicles in the near term, the characteristics of which will make it possible to use them in the Arctic zone in the Northern and Pacific fleets.

Evmenov then said that in 2021, the "Gunner Ship Repair Plant" will complete the modernization of the AS-36 "Bester" deep-sea rescue vehicle, which will expand its ability to provide assistance to emergency submarines. "We are talking about new positioning systems, sonar search and television control, as well as updated life support systems," the commander - in-chief of the Navy explained.

He said that the Russian Navy successfully operates a system of modernization, scheduled repairs and maintenance of deep-sea rescue vehicles of the "Prize" type with a diving depth of up to a thousand meters. As well as deep-sea rescue vehicles of the "Bester" type, capable of operating under water at a depth of 700 meters.

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The AS-36 Bester deep-sea rescue vehicle is designed to assist and rescue the crews of emergency submarines lying on the ground at depths of up to 720 meters. Its other task is to survey underwater objects and perform underwater technical work.

The underwater vehicle of the project 1855 "Prize" was built at the Krasnoe Sormovo plant according to the project of the Nizhny Novgorod Central Design Bureau "Lazurit". It is 13.5 meters long, 3.8 meters wide and 5.7 meters high. Displacement - 55 cubic meters. The working depth of the dive is up to 1 thousand meters. The crew of four can take up to 20 people on board. The life support of the device is 120 hours, and with the rescued on board - 10 hours.

Yuri Gavrilov

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