
Rogozin denied reports of readiness to extend the work of the ISS until 2030

Image source: Фото: Владимир Астапкович / РИА Новости

The head of the state corporation "Roscosmos" Dmitry Rogozin denied reports that in a conversation with the head of NASA Bill Nelson confirmed his readiness to extend the work of the International Space Station (ISS) until 2030. He announced this in his Telegram channel.

"It's not like that. We did not confirm anything like this during the conversation, " he wrote. According to him, it was about the unacceptability of sanctions against TsNIIMash. "First we need to remove these sanctions, and then make plans for the future, "the head of Roscosmos concluded.

Earlier, Rogozin in an interview with TASS said that the ISS can be operated until a maximum of 2030. According to the head of the state corporation, there are several reasons why the further work of the orbital laboratory loses its meaning. Later, Bill Nelson called the conversation with Dmitry Rogozin productive and expressed hope for further cooperation. He called it Russia is a vital partner in the ISS.

In April, Rogozin said that the state corporation, after withdrawing from the ISS project, allows the transfer of the Russian segment of the orbital laboratory to NASA. According to the manager, the Russian segment of the station is worn out by 80 percent, and its maintenance "will require approximately the same funds that will be needed from 2025 for the deployment of a separate national Russian orbital station."

Marina Sovina

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