
The Defense Ministry showed footage of the arrival of a new nuclear submarine to the Northern Fleet


The fourth-generation cruiser "Kazan" of the project "Yasen-M" entered the permanent base point"

MOSCOW, June 2. /TASS/. The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video recording of the arrival of the fourth-generation nuclear submarine Kazan of the Yasen-M project to the place of permanent deployment to the Northern Fleet.

In the video, you can see how the submariners were met at the pier by the Chief of staff of the Northern Fleet, Rear Admiral Vladimir Vorobyov, as well as representatives of the command of the Red Banner Submarine Forces of the Northern Fleet and the leadership of the closed administrative-territorial formation of Zaozersk.

"Today we are present at a historic event, the arrival of the fourth-generation nuclear-powered submarine Kazan of the Yasen-M project at the permanent base of the Northern Fleet. This event coincided with the celebration of the 288th anniversary of the formation of the Northern Fleet, " said Rear Admiral Vorobyov.

The Yasen-M project was developed by the Malachite Design Bureau and has an effective strike and electronic weapons system that allows you to perform tasks in all areas of the world's oceans. "Kazan" - the lead submarine of this project was laid down at JSC " PO "Sevmash" in the city of Severodvinsk on July 24, 2009, launched on March 31, 2017. The main armament of the new submarine - cruise missiles "Caliber".

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