
The advantages of Russian engines over Ukrainian ones are named

Image source: Фото: Виктор Чумаков / РИА Новости

The third frigate "Admiral Golovko" project 22350, launched in December 2020, received a fully Russian power plant M55R, which is "one of the most striking examples of import substitution in the Russian military-industrial complex," says TASS .

The agency, referring to the managing director of Saturn, Viktor Polyakov, notes that"the main advantage of Russian marine gas turbine engines in comparison with Ukrainian ones, manufactured using technologies of the 60s and 80s, is increased reliability."

Other named advantages of power units are "a low level of specific fuel consumption and an increased overhaul life".

"The launch of mass production of power plants for Russian frigates in Rybinsk is a huge breakthrough," says military expert, captain of the first rank of the reserve Vasily Dadykin.

In July 2019, The Drive wrote that the lead frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" of Project 22350 is the most modern Russian warship, but does not go on a long voyage without towing equipment, which exposes the problems of the Russian Navy.

In September 2018, the general director of the Northern Shipyard, Igor Ponomarev , said that only the fourth Russian frigate of the project 22350 will receive a fully Russian power plant, unlike the previous three ships equipped with Ukrainian-made turbines.

In May 2016, the vice-president for military shipbuilding of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, Igor Ponomarev , said that Russia fully received from Ukraine after the aggravation of relations in March 2014, the equipment for the first two frigates and partially for the third.

Ivan Potapov

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