
Photo gallery: "Russian Knights" together with other combat aircraft worked out refueling in the sky

Image source: naked-science.ru

The Russian Knights aerobatic team worked out refueling in the air. Along with it, other combat aircraft took part in the flights, in particular Su-30SM fighters and Su-24M front-line bombers.

The Ministry of Defense showed the practice of refueling in the air of the Russian Knights aerobatic team. In the presented frames, you can also see other cars that participated in the training.

The images show the new Su-30SM and Su-35S multi-role fighters, as well as the Su-24M front-line bomber. "At an altitude of five to six kilometers and a speed of about 600 kilometers per hour, the pilots trained in approaching the IL-78 air tankers at the required distance and docking with the fuel supply system," the Defense Ministry noted. "In the dark, refueling is carried out with additional lighting."


Image source: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

"Russian Knights" is one of the most famous aviation aerobatics groups. It was formed on April 5, 1991 on the basis of the First Aviation Squadron of the 234th Guards Proskurov Mixed Aviation Regiment of the 16th Air Army.


Image source: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The uniqueness of the group is that it is the only aerobatic team in the world that performs group aerobatics on heavy fighters. "Russian Knights" are associated primarily with the Soviet Su-27 and Su-27UB, which have a bright red-blue-white color. Meanwhile, earlier the team received more modern Su-30SM,and in 2019-2020 it was transferred to the Su-35S.


Image source: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The latter can be considered the most advanced modern Russian fighter, with the exception of the fifth-generation Su-57, the operation of which has just begun. Recall that the first serial Su-57 Aerospace Forces received in the winter. This could have happened earlier, but the very first such fighter crashed during tests in December 2019.


Image source: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Su-30SM is not as technically "advanced" as the Su-35S (and even more so as the Su-57). But this is a reliable and proven aircraft, built on the basis of the well-proven Su-30MKI in the arms market. The crew of the car is two people.


Image source: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Recently, Russia decided to carry out a comprehensive modernization of the Su-30SM. The updated car will receive the CM2 index. It will be equipped with a new AL-41F1S engine, as well as an Irbis radar station, which are installed on the Su-35S. This approach will not only significantly increase the combat effectiveness of the aircraft, but also contribute to the unification.

In the long term, Russia may receive a fundamentally new fifth-generation fighter: a single-engine machine that will complement the Su-57.

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