Battle Robot
During the exercises held last month, a unit of the ground forces of the Estonian Defense Army resisted a simulated attack by enemy armored vehicles, the function of which was performed by the body of a decommissioned car. The main forces were on the defensive a kilometer away from the imaginary enemy. Milrem Robotics ' unmanned ground robot THeMIS, equipped with the deFNder machine gun system, was sent to help them.
One robot had to first deliver ammunition to artillery crews and observers, and then support them with the fire of its 7.62-mm machine gun.

Battle Robot
Meanwhile, the second robot in charge of surveillance deployed the Acecore drone on board, which collected information about the surrounding situation, corrected artillery fire and monitored general security. After the destruction of the target, THeMIS acted as an ambulance, with the help of which the conditionally wounded were evacuated to the rear. All this time, the robots were controlled by soldier operators using an augmented reality headset.