The US government has planned to conclude a contract with representatives of the American industry, involving the reverse development of heat exchangers for the load of the B-2 Spirit strategic stealth bomber, writes The Drive.
According to the American publication, we are talking, in particular, about the need to replace the core of the heat exchanger. It is noted that the heat exchanger itself uses air and ethylene glycol in the production of cold air for the cooling system.
"Although it is difficult to say exactly why this approach (reverse engineering-approx. "The tapes.<url>") is used now, it indicates that the original documentation for these components is not available or the production processes and tools used in their production no longer exist, " writes The Drive.
The publication suggests that, for example, the relevant documentation may have been lost. The Drive admits that the contractor who manufactured the components to be replaced may have ceased to exist.
The publication notes that the obsolescence of aircraft of the Air Force (Air Force) The US makes the task of reverse engineering for already mass-produced elements of aircraft more and more urgent. This problem, according to The Drive, can be solved by the timely use of digital doubles.
In February, the American magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology reported that the problems created by the American corporation Northrop Grumman strategic stealth bomber B-21 Raider eliminated. The publication recalled that, probably, it was about problems with the air intakes of the B-21 Raider, which required "serious processing".
Ivan Potapov