The modernization potential of the Belarusian "Grad»

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MLRS BM-21 "Grad" is in service with the armies of more than 30 countries of the world and is the most massive combat system of this class. It is designed to destroy and suppress the enemy's manpower and military equipment in areas of concentration, artillery and mortar batteries, fortifications, strong points and nodes of enemy resistance.

The Armed Forces of Belarus inherited a significant number of "Grads" – 376 units-from the Red Banner Belarusian Military District. However, already in the late 1990s, the problem of wear and tear of their automobile chassis-"Ural – 375D"-became acute.

It was decided to replace the worn-out chassis at the expense of Belarusian-made vehicles, placing the BM-21 artillery unit on the chassis of the MAZ-6317 car.

All development work on linking the Grad artillery unit to the new chassis, testing of modified samples and other necessary measures were carried out by specialists of maz, the Military Academy, the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Ministry of Defense and the RAV service of the Armed Forces. The Belarusian version of the MLRS received the designation BM-21A "belgrade".

The use of the MAZ-6317 car, which has a longer cargo platform than that of the Ural, made it possible to change the layout of the installation. A package of launch tubes was placed in the aft part of the chassis, and between it and the cabin there were racks with 40 shells (there is also a modification for 80 shells).

As a result, the BM-21A calculation was able to recharge the launcher without using a transport-charging machine. This reduced the preparation time for the second salvo to seven minutes.

"belgrade" was adopted by the Belarusian army in 2001. The operation of the upgraded system in the army showed that the result exceeded all expectations. Thanks to the replacement of the wheelbase, the combat vehicle acquired qualities that the original system did not possess.

The most important result was increased autonomy (up to 1000 km), mobility and stealth of the system by reducing the frequency of reloading, refueling and, consequently, the number of service vehicles.

Modernization of combat vehicles raised the question of providing them with ammunition. It was decided not to buy them from a Russian manufacturer, but to upgrade the shells stored on the territory of Belarus since Soviet times.

These works were assigned to the Factory of precision Electromechanics in Dzerzhinsk. The company has developed upgraded versions of shells for the "belgrade".

Specialists of the Dzerzhinsk plant together with developers of ammunition from the Russian NGO "Splav" created a technology for extending the service life of the 9M28F and 9M53F shells. As a result of the modernization of ammunition, new modifications were obtained:

9M521MB-long-range (40 km) rocket projectile with an inseparable head part of increased power of action at the target;

9M522MB-long-range (34 km) rocket projectile with detachable projectile head;

9M523MB-long-range (22 km) rocket projectile with an inseparable head part of increased power of action at the target.

The 9M521MB and 9M522MB rockets were adopted in 2016, and the 9M523MB projectile in 2017.

The subsequent operation of the belgrads showed that time does not stand still and the equipment used as part of the BM-21A systems requires further modernization.

At the beginning of 2020, it was decided to develop the next modification of the MLRS-BM-21B "belgrade-2".

The modernization was carried out by Borisov JSC "2566th plant for the repair of electronic weapons". Development work was started in May 2020 and carried out in a fairly short time.

In the course of modernization, a mechanism for leveling and stabilization has been developed, which makes it possible to bring the equipment into a state of readiness for firing in the shortest possible time on any terrain.

On the improved BM-21B, a compact modern complex of communication and data transmission facilities of domestic development is installed, which allows for the exchange of speech information in analog and digital forms, data transmission, as well as information exchange with computing devices using Ethernet technology with IP protocol support.

The carried-out modernization allows to increase significantly mobility, stealth of movement, efficiency of deployment for striking and quick change of positions.

The BM-21B can fire both single shots and volleys of unguided rockets of all types developed for the BM-21 MLRS, including new projectiles with a cluster and detachable warhead with a firing range of up to 35-40 km without preparing a firing position.

Fire control can be carried out both from the cab of the car, and with the help of a remote control (coil) at a distance of up to 60 m.

According to the requirements of the Belarusian military department, useful volumes for transported equipment and spare parts – separate for the chassis, communications equipment and maintenance of the artillery unit-have been increased and become more functional.

On December 17, 2020, live firing from the upgraded BM-21B belgrade – 2 combat vehicle was conducted at the Osipovichsky military training ground as part of preliminary tests.

The tests carried out showed that the characteristics of the prototype meet the requirements of modern combat, confirmed the reliability of the components and mechanisms.

The experience of operating and improving the Grad MLRS in Belarus has shown that the BM-21 system has sufficient potential for further modernization, the introduction of the most advanced developments that allow it to increase its combat capabilities. At the same time, all work on improving jet systems can be carried out by the Belarusian military-industrial complex in a fairly short time.

According to some analysts, the implementation of the program of renovation of the Park MLRS Armed forces of Belarus and modernization of ammunition allows for a relatively low cost to significantly increase the capabilities of the Belarusian army on fire to defeat the enemy.

There is no doubt that the new BM-21B "belgrade-2" systems will soon be delivered to the troops.

Vladimir Vuyachich

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