
The complex "Ball" took in the sights of a new American radar

Image source: rg.ru

After the Globus III radar system was deployed in Norway near the Russian borders, the command of the Northern fleet was forced to take retaliatory measures - a battery of the coastal anti-ship complex "Bal"was transferred to the Sredny Peninsula.

The new radar is a joint project of the US air force and the Norwegian intelligence service. According to the weekly Zvezda, the radar supplemented the existing Globus II system and strengthened the ability to collect information about Russia's strategic potential in the Arctic region.

Globus III is closely linked to the radar at Eglin air force base in Florida, so the radar station performs primarily tasks in the interests of the us strategic command. Data from both radars is transmitted to the first space control squadron in Colorado, which is a unit of the 21st space wing. The main task of the latter is to warn about a missile attack and threats in space.

The distance from the deployed missile systems to the Norwegian city of Kirkenes is 65 kilometers. "Bal" is equipped with subsonic cruise anti-ship missiles X-35U with a range of up to 260 kilometers. They are distinguished by a new combined guidance system. For example, the active-passive radar homing head "Gran-K" allows you to capture a target at a range of 50 kilometers.

"Bal", if necessary, is capable of striking ground targets, including radar. X-35 with a penetrating high-explosive warhead can be guaranteed to hit not only surface ships, but also targets on land.

The preparation time for shooting in an unprepared position is only about 10 minutes. Target designation " Bal " receives both from its own radar, and from reconnaissance drones or over-the-horizon radars. Shooting can be carried out as single launches, and salvo-the interval is only three seconds.

Timur Alimov

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