
The Ministry of defense for the first time showed a parachute landing in the format of " 360 degrees"


The photo was taken during a practical training session with cadets of the far Eastern higher combined arms command school

MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. The Russian defense Ministry for the first time showed the landing of cadets-Marines of the far Eastern higher combined arms command school (DVOKU) named after K. K. Rokossovsky with a parachute in the "360 degrees" format. The video was published in the accounts of the military Department in social networks.

"The shooting was made during a practical lesson with cadets of the school. Thanks to the use of a high-tech spherical shooting format, it was possible to record a full-view video from the camera attached to the cadet's protective helmet. While watching the video, you can independently control the camera and, literally "turning your head", see how the cadet is landing and returning fire from a machine gun with a parachute suspension system, " the defense Ministry said.

Thanks to this format, the viewer has a feeling of complete immersion in what is happening on the screen. "A special effect is achieved when watching a video with glasses or a VR (virtual reality) helmet," the Ministry said.

The far Eastern higher combined arms command school named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky is stationed in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region. Currently, DVOKU is the only school in the country that trains platoon commanders for mountain and Arctic units of the Land forces, and also trains marine corps officers.

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