Moscow. december 19. INTERFAX-The crew of a diesel-electric submarine (DAPL) during the exercise performed the setting of a mine barrage of torpedo tubes in a submerged position, the Baltic Fleet (BF) said on Saturday.
"At the next stage of the exercises, the submariners worked out tasks together with the pilots of the naval aviation of the fleet. Two Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters were lifted from the Donskoye airfield in the Kaliningrad region, whose task was to detect the Dmitrov diesel-electric submarine, and the crew of the boat, in turn, had to avoid contact, " the report said.
"Using the hydrology of the sea and the deteriorating hydrometeorological conditions, according to which the helicopters were unable to continue the search, the submariners managed to successfully avoid contact with anti - submarine helicopters," the headquarters of the BF informs.
According to him, the exercises are Planned.
A day earlier, the crew of the Dmytrov performed a complex of torpedo firing at surface and underwater targets from a submerged position.