
The Japanese are indignant because of the Russian launches of the Bulava ICBM»

Image source: © Министерство обороны РФ | Перейти в фотобанк

Japanese media report in chorus about the launches of the Bulava ICBM from the Sea of Okhotsk. The proximity of the launch area to Japan is particularly noted, which is seen as a signal not only to Washington, but also to Tokyo. Japanese readers are outraged. "This is a challenge to Japan! ""Our salvation is a military alliance with the United States! "" It's time for Japan to get its own nuclear weapons and submarines!»

The vast majority of Japanese media responded with messages to the information of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the successful launch of four Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles from the Sea of Okhotsk by the strategic submarine Vladimir Monomakh. The launch range is 5 thousand kilometers. The launch of the ICBM was the final stage of training in the management of Russia's strategic offensive forces.

The Mainichi Shimbun, the Sankei Shimbun, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the Asahi Shimbun, the Tokyo Shimbun, and others reported from the central Japanese newspapers. Major regional Publications did not pass by this event either: "Hokkaido Shimbun", "Okinawa Times", "Kyoto Shimbun", "Kobe Shimbun", "Tunichi Shimbun", etc.Materials were given by major news agencies Kyodo and Jiji, information portals and online publications Yahoo News Japan, 47 News Japan, Biglobe news, Livedoor news, Goo news.

The reports are mostly factual in nature. It is noted that the maximum range of intercontinental ballistic missiles "Bulava" is 8-9 thousand kilometers, and they are capable of breaking through the US missile defense system. it is also emphasized that the training launch of the newest borey-class submarine of four icbms was made for the first time. it is mentioned that all four missiles successfully reached the specified area at the chizha test site east of arkhangelsk. At the same time, the media especially note the fact that the shooting was carried out from the Sea of Okhotsk in the immediate vicinity of Japan. in this, they see a certain "message" from russia not only to the united states, but also to japan.

against the background of numerous, but generally neutral media publications, the sharpness of responses to the event and comments from japanese readers, users of social networks and the blogosphere attracts attention. russophobic official propaganda of the japanese authorities and anti-russian media is bearing fruit.

comments from japanese readers


japan also needs to develop its own strike missiles! All around us are enemies. but now we're already late.


we need nuclear submarines, without them there is nothing to do in the sea of okhotsk! It's full of Russian submarines. And in the South China Sea, Chinese submarines are "grazing".

Conventional weapons are not Enough For Us. It doesn't have the same capabilities as atomic. It is strange that, having the sixth largest exclusive economic maritime zone in the world, we have not yet acquired nuclear submarines. After all, this EEZ must be carefully guarded!


The best defense is a good offense. The country must have a high deterrent force for the enemy. Japan needs to develop and introduce the latest and most powerful weapons!


russia is falling apart before our eyes. It bears terrible damage from the coronavirus. There are 10 times more infected than in Japan. The opposition forces in Russia are on the offensive, and Putin can't do anything about them. Russia will soon break up into separate territories. these launches are putin's attempt to demonstrate his resilience to the russian people and the world!


Japan is crushed by aggressive surrounding states. We need to use the plutonium produced at the nuclear power plant and create our own atomic bomb. Then we will be considered!


Like because Russian with these ICBMs the "Clubs" were the problem. It was reported about several unsuccessful launches, which were immediately considered "conditional", etc. No, you look, they coped and brought the rocket to mind! Well, we can only pray that all its launches remain training and do not turn into combat!


We can only guess to whom this "message" is sent. Us, China, or is this a" New Year's greeting " to Biden?


Russia is a really scary country! These launches-they can be a threat to both America and us. we're allies, so we can get our mace on the head!"


So who is the enemy of the Russians? It turns out. america and its ally japan!


Russia's economic power is highly questionable. But they do not spare money to strengthen their military power. The country is getting poorer, unable to bear such a burden. What kind of social stability can we talk about in Russia?


And we with Russia all roll and roll down. Shinzo Abe gave them $ 3 billion for the "northern territories" without receiving anything in return. Shinzo Abe agreed to strengthen the military potential of the Russians in the "northern territories". and now shinzo abe's liberal democratic party is silent about icbm launches from the sea of okhotsk, which is directly close to japan! What's next?!


Japan is sitting on a powder keg! Premier Suga, wake up at last!


There's a lot of fuss to be made about these Russian missile launches!


Russia, China and North Korea will not be able to scare Japan with such methods. Because we have a loyal partner - American troops stationed on our land!

These Russian ICBM launches are a test for Biden. Will he give up his policy slack?


Isn't that outrageous? Isn't this a reason to summon the Russian ambassador to Japan and express the strongest protest to him? What if China did the same? I think we would have had an uproar! Why are we silent in response to these actions of Russia?


Not weak! The strategic nuclear submarine "Vladimir Monomakh" made a simultaneous launch of heavy ICBMs "Bulava" right under our noses, shot the entire territory of Russia and hit the Arkhangelsk region for 5 thousand kilometers! What's going on!


again, the case will end at best with our feeble protests and "regrets". Again, we will be afraid to change this pacifist Constitution. we will give russia money again in the near future. liberal democratic party! Wake up, stop looking away and pretending that these Russian attacks do not concern you!

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Comments [10]
15.12.2020 11:51
Ракеты рвутся ввысь!
Фудзи укрыла тяжёлая туча,
грустят японские парубки.
15.12.2020 13:13
Честно, не принципиально отличается от комментов на российских/американских/европейских форумах военной тематики. Среди комментариев ожидал увидеть японского Дятлова, описываещего создание укрепрайона на Хоккайдо.
15.12.2020 16:56
Цитата, PGS сообщ. №2
Среди комментариев ожидал увидеть японского Дятлова, описываещего создание укрепрайона на Хоккайдо.
Они в очередной раз поняли, что проср...ли полимеры, и не видать им северных территорий, как своих ушей, воевалка за острова сломалась и надо тихо сидеть под зонтиком белого господина.
15.12.2020 19:29
Цитата, Peter Tsk сообщ. №1
Красиво. Но ведь вроде всего три строчки должно быть?
16.12.2020 06:45
Цитата, BorSch сообщ. №4
Но ведь вроде всего три строчки должно быть?
- так первая же проба пера... :))
16.12.2020 09:07
Цитата, BorSch сообщ. №4
Нужно срочно на японский перевести и к ним в обсуждения закинуть!)))
16.12.2020 22:11
Поправка - в канон почти все укладывается.

Оригинальное японское хайку состоит из 17 слогов, составляющих один столбец иероглифов. Текст хайку делится в отношении 12:5 — либо на 5-м слоге, либо на 12-м. При переводе хайку на западные языки местам возможного появления кирэдзи (режущее слово) соответствует разрыв строки и, таким образом, хайку записываются как трёхстишия. К настоящему времени сторонники соблюдения 17-сложности остались в меньшинстве; по общему мнению большинства теоретиков, единая слоговая мера для хайку на разных языках невозможна, потому что языки значительно отличаются друг от друга средней длиной слов и, следовательно, информационной ёмкостью одинакового количества слогов. Современные хайку, написанные на европейских языках, обычно короче 17 слогов (особенно англоязычные), тогда как русские хайку могут быть даже длиннее.
Цитата, wedmed5 сообщ. №6
Нужно срочно на японский перевести и к ним в обсуждения закинуть!)))
Перевести - да легко!

Вот только как отправить не знаю, я в этих ваших фейсбуках не разбираюсь.
17.12.2020 02:14
дальность полета межконтинентальных баллистических ракет "Булава" составляет 8-9 тысяч километров,
Не стреляла "Булава" на такую дальность.
Восстановят КИК, ТОГЭ- тогда практикой подтвердят расчеты.
17.12.2020 06:57
Цитата, BorSch сообщ. №7
Перевести - да легко!
- а я всё думал, есть ли в японском и какой  синоним слова "парубок" -> "raddo" (вроде как).

А у Вас BorSch показан перевод для слова "патрубки" :)

- так что лучше уж тогда заменить на "юноши".
17.12.2020 17:43
"Грустят японские патрубки" - пойдет как поэтическая метафора, поймут :)
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