
Russian cruiser entered the list of the best warships in the world

Image source: Пресс-служба Севмаша

The publication Military Watch Magazine presented a rating of the best warships. The Russian cruiser Admiral Nakhimov is also in the top five.

As noted in the publication, the most powerful classes of surface ships are destroyers and cruisers, the latter are in service exclusively with Russia and the United States. New technologies used on the ships include dual-band radars, multi-purpose vertical launch systems, low-visibility hulls, and new types of ammunition, including hypersonic weapons.

Russian nuclear-powered cruisers have been called one of the deadliest in the world. Admiral Nakhimov, one of the ships of this project, is currently undergoing modernization. But even in its original form, it is dangerous for opponents. The main armament is p-700 cruise anti-ship missiles, each weighing seven thousand kilograms. They have a unique hover mode, where one rises to a great height and marks targets for the other.

The missiles have 750-kilogram warheads and have high maneuverability, which makes it difficult to intercept them. They can also be equipped with nuclear warheads. However, even without them, they are able to neutralize the vast majority of enemy ships with a single direct hit due to their huge size and speed

According to the publication, after modernization, the Admiral Nakhimov cruiser will have an even greater advantage over competing classes of warships, since it will receive modern weapons and new electronic warfare systems.

The most capable surface ships according to Military Watch Magazine also included the Chinese destroyers of projects 055 and 052D, the South Korean destroyer of the Sejong the Great project and the Japanese destroyer of the Maya project.

Svetlana Tsygankova

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