
Andrey Goncharov reported on the results of the Commission on innovative projects in 2020

Image source: © Роман Канащук/ТАСС

TSAMTO, November 26. During the meeting of the Russian defense Ministry Commission on innovative projects and technologies based on the results of work in 2020, the head of the Russian defense Ministry's GUNID, major General Andrey Goncharov, reported on successful tests of innovative developments selected in the interests of the Russian armed forces.

In 2020, the main Department of research and development of the Russian defense Ministry, together with the supporting military management bodies, conducted a number of successful tests and military-technical experiments to evaluate and confirm the technical and operational characteristics of promising developments performed by organizations and industrial enterprises on their own initiative.

Another military-technical experiment was first conducted on the basis Of the military innovation Technopolis "ERA" with the participation of innovative samples of equipment and equipment selected by the Commission in the interests of the Navy. The study involved Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles, promising hydroacoustic stations, complexes with UAVS as repeaters of control signals and information transmission, presented by organizations and enterprises of the Russian industry.

During the experiment, the possibility of building rapidly deployable underwater lighting systems was evaluated in the interests of combating small-sized targets, including Autonomous uninhabited enemy underwater vehicles and underwater saboteurs.

During the exercise "Caucasus-2020" in the interests of the Airborne troops at the Kapustin Yar training ground, an innovative development was tested that allows organizing the interaction of military personnel during combat, as well as special highly maneuverable vehicles that allow rapid movement of tactical groups.

In close cooperation with the Foundation for advanced research, the Third all-Russian competition in marine robotics "AQUAROBOTECH-2020" and competitions in the field of development, creation and operation of advanced air-based robotic systems "AEROBOT-2020"were organized and held. Initiatives participants selected representatives HUNID MO of the Russian Federation for subsequent approval and submission to the concerned military authorities – quoted major-General Andrei Goncharov Department of information and mass communications of the Russian defense Ministry.

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