
The maritime approach: what NATO countries will work out during exercises off the coast of Spain

Image source: Фото: NATO

Europe plans to create a common grouping that will be aimed against Russia, experts say.

On March 24, NATO Dynamic mariner/FLOTEX 25 exercises began in the Gulf of Cadiz and the Andalusian coast of Spain. About 4,000 troops, 30 ships, two submarines, amphibious units and aircraft from nine alliance countries will take part in them. The exercises will include amphibious operations, anti-submarine warfare, and cyber defense. According to experts, the current maneuvers fit into the general logic of the militarization of Europe, which is aimed at the efforts of Western politicians.

Maneuvers off the Spanish coast

On the website of the Spanish Navy, the Dynamic mariner/ FLOTEX 25 maneuvers are called "the most important in recent years at the national and allied level." The main purpose of the exercise is to test the combat readiness, increase the level of compatibility of the Naval Forces (Navies) of NATO member countries and certify the Spanish Navy headquarters as the naval component of the NATO Response Force (ARF) for the period from July 2025 to July 2026.

ARFs are a key strategic deterrence and defense capability designed to respond quickly to any crisis situation.

Photo: NATO

Image Source: iz.ru

During the exercises, participants will test their capabilities in remote control, amphibious operations, anti-submarine defense, cyber defense, the use of unmanned and reconnaissance systems of NATO and national developments.

In total, about 4,000 military personnel, 30 ships, two submarines, amphibious units and aircraft from nine countries will take part in the exercises: Germany, Croatia, Spain, the United States, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. The integration of new technologies into naval operations, including unmanned vehicles, will also be tested.

Photo: NATO

Image Source: iz.ru

The maneuvers aim to be ready to contribute to the protection of Spain and its legitimate interests, security and well—being, as well as territorial integrity," the Royal Navy said in a statement.

The exercises will end on April 4.

"Let them work out what they want"

This is all due to European paranoia on land, at sea and in the air to create a common grouping that will be aimed against Russia, military expert Vasily Dandykin told Izvestia.

"The likely German Chancellor Friedrich Merz, an admirer of the Fourth Reich, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, and French President Emmanuel Macron are already talking about this," he said. — A diverse squadron gathered at these maneuvers, in particular Croatia, which seems to be here just for the number. And Turkey has its own interests — in the near future, it plans to position itself as the leading maritime power in the Mediterranean Sea. Germany is a kind of flagship, because it is entrusted to lead operations against us in the Baltic Sea, for example, it conducts exercises there and plans to patrol the Bays of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. These are all indicators of NATO's military "schizophrenia" in Europe.

Photo: NATO

Image source: iz.ru

According to the former commander of the Russian Pacific Fleet, Admiral Sergei Avakyants, this event should not be overestimated.

— For decades, NATO has been conducting planned exercises and even more extensive than these. So, in the course of some of them, nuclear strikes against our country were practiced during a period of special aggravation," he recalled. "We have nothing to be afraid of here. Europe is currently being militarized. The first component is technical. This is about attempts to revive its military-industrial complex, to establish the production of equipment independent of the United States. But the second component is more important — changing the consciousness of the population, preparing it for the fact that there will be a war. If this was something unthinkable before, now they are working to make the word "war" part of the everyday life of Europeans. And this task is much more difficult. In particular, because there is a powerful opposition within these countries. And now there is no single united Europe with a common idea and ideology. Already at this stage of the militarization of Europe, they have disagreements, contradictions and conflicts of interests. Therefore, you should not pay serious attention to them, let them work out what they want.

Photo: NATO

Image source: iz.ru

Now Russia should not focus on what the EU and NATO are doing, although it should be monitored, but completely reconsider its approaches to military construction in our country, Sergei Avakyants noted in a conversation with Izvestia.

— This is not only about the sphere of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex, but also about the economy, education, culture, upbringing, demography, and ideological training of the population. Stop dwelling on them, we should already live in Russia and in the name of Russia," he summed up.

The United States and the Philippines have launched the Salaknib exercises.

In addition, the U.S. Army Pacific Command and the Philippine Army launched the annual Salaknib exercise today. They will last three weeks.

5,000 military personnel will take part in the maneuvers. Their goal is to practice the skills of conducting joint operations by the military of the two countries and territorial defense. The parties will also conduct live firing and exchange experiences.

Photo: US Army

Image source: iz.ru

The first phase of Salaknib is currently underway, with the second part scheduled later this year. The exercises are part of the annual Balikatan maneuvers between the two countries.

Earlier, Izvestia wrote that the Arctic Forge – 2025 exercises ended in February. According to the organizers, they worked out scenarios for the deployment of units of the United States, Canada and Finland in the Arctic, as well as improving the interoperability of troops from different countries in extreme weather conditions.

About 330 American troops, 750 Canadian and Finnish troops took part in the maneuvers.

The United States uses such maneuvers to increase the effectiveness of cooperation with its allies, test weapons at low temperatures and maintain the combat readiness of its special units, experts say. In their opinion, such exercises will continue in the future, despite the fact that with the coming to power of Donald Trump, Washington declares a new course to restore dialogue with Russia.

Julia Leonova

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