
57-mm "Infernal thresher" based on "Spartak" can strike at 12 kilometers


Image source: Photo: Bulletin of Mordovia

AZP-57 anti-aircraft guns of the S-60 air defense artillery complex continue to be used in the special military operation zone. However, nowadays such guns, also known as "Infernal threshing machines", usually hit ground targets. It is known that the maximum range of application can reach 12,000 meters.

At the same time, the mass of the projectile is 2.8 kg. The initial speed reaches 1000 meters per second. The practical rate of fire is 70 rounds per minute, the maximum is up to 120.

Our soldiers mount such artillery installations on various automotive and tracked vehicles. At the same time, a wheeled self-propelled gun mounted on the latest AMN - 590911 Spartak three-axle armored car was demonstrated.

Image source: Photo: Bulletin of Mordovia

According to open data, its combat weight is 22,500 kg. Ammunition - 144 shells. Engine power - 312 hp. Power reserve - 1000 km. The depth of the ford to be overcome is 1.5 meters. The crew consists of five people.

This combat vehicle is capable of effectively destroying enemy manpower, as well as defensive structures and various lightly armored vehicles.

Image source: Photo: Bulletin of Mordovia

Roman Katkov

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