Its participants will jointly engage in R&D and create mechanisms for technology transfer from scientific and educational organizations to production.
Rostec initiated the creation of the Council of Flagship Scientific and Educational Organizations, which, along with representatives of the Corporation, included the country's leading universities - Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MAI, MIPT and others. The aim of the project is to combine the efforts of science and industry to create new technological solutions in the aircraft industry, microelectronics, energy engineering, medical instrumentation and other industries.
One of the main tasks of the Council is to form mechanisms for the development of cooperation between science and industry. The project brings together Corporate enterprises and leading universities across the country. The Council members will jointly conduct research and development (R&D) and create mechanisms to ensure technology transfer from scientific and educational organizations to the manufacturing sector.
At the first expanded meeting of the Council, its participants discussed the cooperation of Rostec State Corporation with universities and the creation of an interuniversity campus in Khabarovsk. The event was attended by Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Demeshin, Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec State Corporation, and rectors of the country's leading universities.
"The creation of the Council of Supporting Scientific and Educational Organizations is a right and significant step that ensures regular feedback from universities. This is especially important because universities are rapidly transforming today," said Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
"Science plays a key role in ensuring national security. The number of tasks facing our scientists and engineers is constantly growing. Among the main challenges are the lack of qualified personnel in the real sector of the economy and the lack of popularity of engineering specialties among young people. In addition, it is necessary to bridge the gap between the relevant research of universities and the needs of industry. That is why we are combining the capabilities of universities, university science and industry today. The main areas of our cooperation are aircraft manufacturing, microelectronics, energy engineering, and medical instrumentation, where we intend to conduct joint research and strengthen the training of in—demand specialists," said Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec State Corporation.
By 2028, the Corporation's enterprises will need to attract 150,000 specialists, including 20,000 engineers and 130,000 workers. For these purposes, Rostec will continue to work on a model of advanced training, which is based on the end—to—end seamless principle of "school - university/secondary school - enterprise". The Corporation's educational system includes 92 schools, more than 140 universities, over 200 colleges, and 19 Advanced Engineering schools across the country.
Another area of the Corporation's work with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is the implementation of a pilot project on industrial postgraduate studies. Postgraduate study programs will be adapted to the needs of industry, and graduates will be able to work on engineering projects for specific production tasks. More than 20 high-tech enterprises of Rostec participate in the project. The first set of graduate students will be held this year.
Elena Druzhinina, Managing Director for Science and Business Cooperation at Rostec State Corporation, said that the Council would become a catalyst for the development of cooperation between science and industry.: "In addition to cooperation with universities, the Council is focused on developing cooperation with investment funds. In the near future, the Council plans to scale the project of industrial postgraduate studies, as well as participate in a pilot project to set industrial state tasks for universities. The Council will also improve the mechanisms of cooperation between science and business, for example, in the format of scientific and industrial associations."
Khabarovsk Krai, a partner of Rostec State Corporation, can become an example of consolidation of universities with industry. An interuniversity campus is being created in the Far East, which will unite universities for the development of priority industries for the region, such as aircraft and shipbuilding, biotechnology, mining and the food industry.
As Dmitry Demeshin, Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, told the Council meeting, Khabarovsk enterprises plan to work with MAI in the field of designing and operating unmanned aerial vehicles, with Bauman Moscow State Technical University on robotic complexes, unmanned ground systems and machine tool construction, and with MIPT to jointly train IT specialists. A draft cooperation agreement is being developed between the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory and MGIMO University, which will include joint scientific and practical projects and training programs for foreign economic activity, logistics and international relations.
"At the moment, the need of the Corporation's organizations located in the Khabarovsk Territory to attract additional personnel is 2,300 people, of which about 1,800 are workers, 500 are engineers. Our task is to create advanced training programs together with the Regional Administration, including as part of the targeted training of engineers for the aviation industry, as well as training workers at the Corporation's partner colleges. I am confident that the Council's platform will consolidate the efforts of all parties both to meet the current staffing needs and as part of systematic work in this area," said Nikolai Volobuev, Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation and member of the Bureau of the Russian Engineering Union.