
Many interceptor drones, including those similar to a flying saucer: solutions for effective anti-UAVs have been presented in Israel


Image source: topwar.ru

Against the background of the rapidly increasing role of drones of various types in modern conflicts, defense enterprises around the world are trying to develop the best way to counter these weapons.

It is worth noting that the main "problem" of combating UAVs is the cost of such an event. The drones themselves, which are used to strike both directly at foreheads and over long distances of hundreds of kilometers, are relatively cheap. At the same time, anti-missiles in air defense systems that can effectively neutralize the threat are ten times more expensive.

Today, many countries around the world are already developing weapons that would make it possible to combat UAVs in less costly ways. At the same time, developers from Israel have recently introduced a number of such tools.

It is worth noting that among the samples there are several variants of firearms, ranging from machine guns, including a tripod-mounted minigun (a rapid-fire machine gun built according to the Gatling scheme) and pumping aircraft guns.

Image source: topwar.ru

Image source: topwar.ru

Combat modules mounted on armored vehicles are also presented.

Image source: topwar.ru

Meanwhile, special attention is attracted by the abundance of drones, which are designed to destroy their own kind.

One of the notable examples is a quadcopter with a net that it throws over the enemy's UAV from above.

Image source: topwar.ru

Image source: topwar.ru

Another interceptor drone resembles a rocket that launches vertically and rams an enemy drone from below at high speed.

Image source: topwar.ru

There is also a drone that looks like a flying saucer. It is also used as a battering ram.

Image source: topwar.ru

It is worth adding that this is only part of the promising Israeli developments designed to combat UAVs. Earlier, developers from the Jewish state presented a complex designed to protect against threats posed by drones, which can be used both on the ground and on various platforms, including manned and unmanned vehicles.

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