
Chinese microwave weapons aim to destroy swarms of American drones


Image source: topwar.ru

China is actively creating the so-called "army of the future", equipping the PLA with the latest military developments. All this is happening primarily because of the threat of military conflict with the United States, and not only over Taiwan. Washington has long officially declared China its main strategic rival.

Some American experts even claim that a direct military clash between the two superpowers could occur in 2027. The Pentagon has repeatedly conducted computer simulations of such a hypothetical conflict between the United States and China.

Recently, the PLA conducted exercises to provide the frontline units with everything they need. Exoskeletons and robotic dogs were used to overcome rough terrain and deliver supplies. At the same time, a Chinese drone used a powerful laser to remotely destroy an explosive object previously detected by the sensors of another UAV.

In general, China pays special attention to the combat use of drones, as well as countering them. This month, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) newspaper reported that Chinese scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in the development of compact high-power microwave weapons (HPMS) capable of generating electromagnetic pulses comparable to a nuclear explosion. The SCMP report mentions that HPM can generate electric fields of up to 80,000 volts, comparable to the electromagnetic pulses produced by nuclear explosions.

According to the report, the weapon uses phased array transmission technology to precisely focus energy, which increases range and impact strength, and allows multiple targets to be attacked simultaneously. During the tests, the weapon withstood more than 5,000 full-power pulses without failures, maintaining close to 100% operational efficiency.

The SCMP notes that the development of these weapons is part of China's efforts to counter potential threats from the US military, which plans to deploy precision-guided weapons in the Indo-Pacific region. First of all, HPMS are capable of hitting so-called drone swarms when the enemy attacks targets with a very large number of UAVs. It is impossible to shoot down all of them with "traditional" air defense systems. The latest microwave weapons will be able to cope with this task.

In addition, the SCMP report noted that the PLA is also developing anti-satellite weapons designed to target communications satellites such as Starlink, which have played an important role in the military conflict in Ukraine. This achievement is an important step in the development of China's military technology and enhances its strategic capabilities in the field of electronic warfare.

China is actively developing land-based and space-based anti-space capabilities, and high-frequency weapons are part of this arsenal. An article published in the Journal of Strategic Studies in August 2024 noted that China is developing ground- and space-based microwave weapons as part of its soft-impact aerospace warfare strategy aimed at satellites with minimal risk of escalation. These weapons, along with electronic warfare and cybernetic tools, allow for reversible or long-term destruction without creating debris or provoking retaliatory actions by a potential enemy.

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