
Hydrogen and artificial intelligence: South Korea intends to finish the development of the K3 tank by 2030


Image source: topwar.ru

South Korea intends to complete the development of the K3 main battle tank by 2030. The first prototypes should be available by this time.

This is reported by the Western edition of Army Recognition with reference to social networks.

The manufacturer of this equipment will be the South Korean company Hyundai. The developers claim that the new tank will become a benchmark for firepower, survivability and technological innovation. It is being developed based on the production experience of previous combat vehicles – the K2 Black Panther and the K1 series.

Currently, the K2 is considered the best South Korean tank. Its main advantages are integrated composite armor, advanced fire control systems, and weight reduction solutions. It is assumed that the K3 will also have these characteristics, but it will become faster and more maneuverable. Although the new tank will not be heavier than its predecessor, a number of innovations are expected to be introduced into its design.

Image Source: topwar.ru

In particular, hydrogen and artificial intelligence will be used during its operation. The use of hydrogen as fuel will make the combat vehicle not only more environmentally friendly, but also reduce thermal traces and noise, making it less noticeable.

Artificial intelligence will be used to control the battlefield. It can be assumed that the creators have provided an unmanned control option.

In addition, it is planned to replace the 120-millimeter cannon, which is in service with the K2, with a 130 mm caliber, thereby increasing firepower.

It seems that South Korea today claims to be one of the world's leading exporters of armored vehicles.

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