
The fall of the Japanese Kairos launch vehicle is shown


Image source: topwar.ru

Japan has made another unsuccessful attempt to launch a Kairos launch vehicle. During its debut in March this year, the PH exploded in the air 5 seconds after launch.

On December 18, the local company Space One conducted another attempt to launch a new rocket into space. There were several satellites on board. A few minutes after launch, the rocket began to have problems maintaining its flight path, and then it rushed down. The system crashed and was destroyed, the mission failed. Space One has not yet provided information about the cause of the failure.

Image source: topwar.ru

We do not consider this event a failure. We are convinced that the collected data and experience are extremely valuable and we believe that they will be useful in future attempts.

- the company noted.

Image source: topwar.ru

Kairos is a light launch vehicle with a height of about 18 m, a diameter of 1.35 m and a total weight of 23 tons. The system consists of three solid fuel stages and a fourth liquid stage. According to the manufacturer, the PH can deliver up to 150 kg of payload to a solar synchronous orbit and up to 250 kg to a low Earth orbit.

Image source: topwar.ru

The Japanese government intends to conduct 30 orbital launches annually by the early 2030s. A big role in these plans is assigned to the Kairos PH, which has not yet shown itself in any way.

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