
France showed the sinking of a target corvette with a new F21 torpedo


Image source: topwar.ru

The French Navy conducted a successful test of the heavy F21 torpedo launched from a nuclear submarine at a target ship, which was a decommissioned light corvette Prime Master L'her with a displacement of 1200 tons. The sinking of the former pennant of the fleet is shown online.

The 533 mm F21 torpedo, about 6 m long and weighing about 1.5 tons, developed by the Naval Group, is equipped with an electric motor powered by a silver-oxide-aluminum battery (AgO-Al) and driving two propellers rotating in opposite directions. The speed is over 50 knots (93 km/h), and the range is over 27 nautical miles (50 km).

Image source: topwar.ru

A torpedo equipped with a 200 kg high-explosive warhead is guided to the target via a fiber-optic cable in the middle section of the trajectory and switches to acoustic homing at the final stage. It is equipped with advanced means of counteraction, which allows it to effectively bypass modern enemy defensive systems. The on-board control system and an advanced sonar system allow it to distinguish between targets, including false ones.

The first firing of the new heavy F21 torpedo was successfully carried out from the attack submarine in real conditions. It has increased stealth, range, speed and accuracy

- the Navy said.

Image source: topwar.ru

Since 2019, the F21 has been in service with French submarines, including SSBMS. The Brazilian Navy also chose this torpedo to equip its Scorpène-class submarines.

Taking into account the aggravation of the international situation, the adoption of advanced ammunition of the latest generation is a necessary process

- noted in the Ministry of Defense.

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