
"Will create a large strike zone": Taiwan mass-produces Wanjian cruise missiles


Image source: topwar.ru

Taiwan is mass-producing the Wanjian cruise missile; production of a large batch of KR has already been completed.

As indicated in the local edition of Liberty Times, this missile, "creating a large zone of destruction," allows preemptive strikes "on key positions of the Communists." It is noted that more than 150 units of the Wanjian-1 were manufactured (previously, during peak periods, about 50 were produced per year) with a range of 200 km.

At the same time, a version of the Wanjian-2 with an extended flight distance of 400 km is being developed. The new modification should soon enter small-scale production.

The development of the Wanjian rocket, also known as Wan Chien or the "Ten Thousand Swords Bomb", started in the early 2000s and was conducted by the Chun Shan Scientific and Technical Institute (NCSIST). This product was created to neutralize strategic targets such as runways, radar stations and troop concentrations on the southeast coast of mainland China.

Image source: topwar.ru

Using the experience of designing Western missiles, in particular the American AGM-154 JSOW and the Franco-British Storm Shadow, the developers borrowed a number of innovations from them. The missile is controlled and guided using GPS, INS, TERCOM [movement on a digital terrain map], IR-GPS. The turbofan engine allows for subsonic speeds of up to Mach 0.8.

The mass of the warhead is 350 kg, it is equipped with delayed detonation submunitions. They are designed to penetrate surfaces and explode underground, causing maximum damage to fortified targets.

The missile entered service in 2011 and was put into mass production in 2015 after system integration with the Taiwanese fighter AIDC F-CK-1 Ching-Kuo. The aircraft can carry one missile on each wing console.

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